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Old 02-01-2008, 08:11 PM
Absolute Fan

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Ok, um I went to the CW source because apparently I'm into self-torture, but yeah thank god I'm about to go out and get wasted because only a black out of all tonight's events is how I'm going to forget that horrific image. Seeing it once was bad enough, seeing it twice with that disgusting twisted description is going to give me post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Jesus, does anyone value the freakin sanctity of marriage anymore? There's a CHILD involved and they advertise it/manipulate it to be way worse than it is.

I mean, HELLO people love and watch NH because of this amazing and RARE committment they share, they don't watch to see whores try to break up that love.

It's not rocket science and I don't see why these crack monkeys and Mark choose to always go with storyline the fans that love this couple are going to hate. We don't mind angst, we even welcome it, but this contrived BS that we've seen over and over is not angst it's crap.

And I've said this before and I'll say it again, they can shape the crap into whatever they want, wrap it up in a pretty bow, even try to disguise the smell with whatever cheap perfume gets them off at the time, but it's always and forever going to be crap!
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"Ah, who the hell knows..."
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