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Old 09-19-2004, 01:57 AM
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Noddies #13: 'Cause he is too sexy for his shirt - Luke/Scott Appreciation Thread

This is the 13th Luke/SP Appreciation thread! Title by Mia Mae !

Our big thanks to Danni for the banner, and to Pam for all the work and effort to bring this thread back to life! You guys rock!!!


~ Noddies = Naughties

His hat, his truck and his flannel.

~ Quotes -- 'cause everybody loves Luke':

Luke: You're harassing me now.

Lorelai: I'm not harassing you. We're your groupies. [in high voice] Oh Luke, you're so dreamy, be my guy!


Lorelai: You don't look so good.

Luke: Thanks.

Lorelai: That's not what I meant. You know you always look good.

Luke: Yeah?

Lorelai: I mean you always look healthy.

Luke: Ok.

Lorelai: But you don't look so healthy now. Now you look...

Luke: Unhealthy.

Lorelai: Yes.

Luke: Ok.

Lorelai: Oh what? So I said you look good. We’re not in 5th grade. 'You look good', big deal. Stop staring at me.


Luke: Hey, I own this business, kid! I built it, this is mine! I'm not at the mercy of some boss waiting and hoping to be chosen employee of the month for a couple extra hundred bucks and a plaque. I'm always employee of the month. I'm employee of the year, of the century, of the universe. You should be so lucky to have a job like mine


Liz: He's pretty amazing though. No matter how much I screw up, he just keeps fixing it. I need money, he gives me money. No place to live, Luke finds an apartment. Even my kid when I was having trouble with him -- did you ever meet Jess?

Lorelai: Oh yes, I did.

Liz: I tell you, he was hell on wheels. I couldn't do a thing with him. I didn't know what to do, so...

Lorelai: Luke fixed it?

Liz: He tried. He wasn't entirely successful. I don't know, maybe if I had sent Jess to him a little sooner… Well, anyhow, Luke did what he could. He always does. He's like my hero, you know. Like one of those Greek gods with the golden helmets and the shields and the sandals


Kirk: [climbs to feet] Thank you. Thank you! [shouting] I love you, Luke Danes! I love you!

Luke: [muttering to himself] I'm stupid.

Kirk: [yelling loudly] I love you! I love Luke Danes! Love, love!


~ 100 Reasons We Love Luke

1. Have you seen him? He's hot!!!!
2. He makes 5 o'clock shadow, flannel and backwards baseball caps totally come together.
3. He gave the war reenactors coffee
4. He's not afraid to protest Taylor's asinine ideas
5. He has his father's list memorized
6. He blew up balloons and made coffee cake for Rory's birthday
7. He makes the best coffee in town
8. He cares about people's health
9. He stayed with Lorelai in the hospital, even though he hates them
10. He made Lorelai a Santa Burger
11. He gave a stressed Rory pie
12. He is the bringer of ice
13. He understands that being tall is a good thing!
14. He can play poker
15. He’s willing to help find lost baby chicks-and then take the trash out
16. He's man enough to admit his mistakes and apologize
17. He's not afraid to put nutmeg in the coffee-showing his feminine side
18. Fixes things around the house
19. Refused to let Dean into the diner when he and Rory broke up
20. Gave Rory pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries
21. Built Lorelai a chuppa for her wedding
22. Understands that you have to meet the right person to get married
23. Gave everyone free coffee when Lorelai's wedding was called off
24. The scene of him on the bench with the little bride girls!
25. Took Jess in when Liz sent him to live with Luke
26. Laid down the rules with Jess and tried to get him on the right path
27. Laid down the rules with Jess when he dated Rory.
28. He can reference Monty Python
29. Appreciates the underrated Outer Limits
30. Fixed the runaway for the DAR fundraiser
31. Bid on Lorelai's basket so she wouldn't get fixed up
32. He brought food from the diner that they could eat in the gazebo
33. Bought the building so he can give Jess his own room
34. Planned his Uncle Louie's funeral, even though he didn't like him
35. He didn't blame Jess for the car crash, but still sent him back to NYC
36. He gave a depressed "Mimi" a free donut
37. His picture's up in the trophy case
38. He was on the track team, even though it was for "dorks"
39. He's a closet Jimmy Buffet fan
40. He'd be willing to have a short discussion about kids w/ the right girl
41. He was hurt when the girls said they wouldn't see him Thanksgiving
42. Taught Lorelai how to fish in the Kiddie Lake
43. He let Lorelai crash at his place when the Inn burned
44. He learned to work with Sookie in the kitchen
45. Despite what he may say-he gives awesome hugs
46. Threatened to put Jess's father's head through a wall
47. That diner is his-he built it
48. He cried at Rory's graduation speech
49. He loaned Rory and Lorelai his truck to get to Yale
50. He didn't want anything from his divorce-except 3 hours back
51. He wanted to know if Rory was alright at college
52. He's never seen the FBI Warning before
53. He's comfy on the couch
54. He came up with the fake draft idea
55. He doesn't need to date-he gets a gut feeling
56. He breaks into churches
57. He knows how to break bells
58. He makes cinnamon butter
59. He felt he messed up his interview with Lane
60. He got drunk when Jess said he interfered too much
61. He's always looking out for Liz
62. He likes the Barbie band-aids
63. Comforted Lorelai during her breakdown
64. Loaned Lorelai $30,000
65. Buys his socks in bulk
66. He beat up the sock man's car
67. He'd kick Tiny Tim's crutch out if he asked for free coffee
68. Got divorced at Mailboxes, Etc.
69. Let Lorelai into the diner at 5 a.m.
70. Reassured Lorelai she could run the inn
71. Swallowed his pride and got a self-help tape and books
72. Banged into his truck after Lorelai accepted his wedding invitation
73. He warned Jess about Crazy Carrie
74. Made turkey legs for the wedding
75. He looks down to look at his bottom half
76. Tried not to laugh at the Troubadour's song
77. He didn't think Liz and TJ's vows were funny
78. Luke can waltz!!!
79. He ducked when TJ threw his tights at him
80. He was very smooth asking Lorelai to the movies
81. He told Jess he was always there for him
82. Gave Jess a fatherly hug
83. Wasn't that phased when Lorelai slipped in the diner
84. He gave Lorelai flowers -- and he's never done that for anyone
85. He was concerned when Lorelai walked into the door
86. Three words: Sexy. Salad. Stare.
87. Agreed to help Kirk with Lulu
88. Wanted to get the dirt on Jason from Babette
89. Talked to Jason without getting into a fight
90. Confronted Lorelai rather than walking away
91. Finally told Lorelai to stand still!
92. Despite his almost getting a third kiss, still kept his promise to Kirk
93. He looks sexy running!
94. Hung out with Dean at his bachelor party
95. He'll ask Paul Newman how the Ceasar dressing is
96. He's a Jethro Tull fan
97. He's seen Pretty In Pink
98. He let Kirk use the diner to practice for his date
99. Sympathetic to the plight of the Native Americans
100. Told Lorelai she can't kill Dean on double coupon day


"It's gonna be a hot and heavy season for the Lukester. I think I've earned it. I have tolerated all number of indiscretions, insults, and challenges to my manhood, and I have deflected each and every one of them, and I am still standing." [quote from Scott Patterson about Season 5]


~ Naked/Shirtless Luke Supporters
[list=1][*]daydreamer4[*]Mia Mae[*]oywllalrdy (Kris)[*]fan1bsb97 (JoJo)[*]haddyboy (Pam)[*]girlfrombrazil (Ana)[*]Genevieve[*]Kitty[*]Kay [*]bybrandy (Brandy)[*]CherylS[*]customer-mimi (Isabel)[*]i heart jai (Michelle)[*]DobblersGirl (Jen)[/list=1]

~ Fan Fiction:

Lukewarm: the Luke Danes fiction archive [site created by NicoleMack]

* The Good One by Erin Kaye Hashet
* Scavenger Hunt by Steph5
* It All Started With a Math Test by Steph5
* Simple Stuff for the Simple Folk by Steph5
* Customers to Serve by Steph5
* Observing Mr. Fix It by daydreamer4

Have fun drooling!

Thread #12
* We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop? *

Last edited by girlfrombrazil; 09-20-2004 at 11:48 PM
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