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Old 02-01-2008, 04:44 AM
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Some general thoughts I had on the episode...

* Boys in suits + boys in the rain : HOT!!!

* The blood and the teeth falling out and then the maggots...EWWWWW, GROSS!! Especially the maggots. I'm so glad I ate breakfast before watching the episode!

*Dean's reaction when he saw the rabbit hanging there was soooo funny!
"Why does a rabbit always gets screwed in the deal? That poor little guy." Haha, oh Dean!

* And then when he reports the dead body "My name, yeah sure, my name is..." and he closes the phone. LOL!

* Book of Shadows? I got a very big Charmed moment right there...three witches chanting around that book. I almost expected to see the Halliwell Mansion in the next shot!

*Sam & Dean flashing badges is ALWAYS hot!

*The whole Ruby scene at the car :
Let's just say I'm not much of a fan of the girls in Supernatural so Dean calling her a "black-eyed skank" was...gratifying in some way. Of course Sam is still trying to keep her alive because he thinks she can save Dean. Oh man. If I hadn't seen the end of the episode I'd agree with him and it's the only way I could tolerate her around. But she lied to Sam. That is so...not good! Why is she in this show again?

* The motel scene. Dear lord! DEAAAANNNNN!!!
First there's Sam saying he needs to be more like Dean to survive in this "craphole of a world" without his brother, and then Dean. Ok, I understand that Sam had to look for the hex bag but WTF...Dean was reaching out to him and Sam just left. Left Dean coughing up blood. Aaaarrrggghhhhh!!! That nearly killed me. Couldn't he have just held him for a minute there. (okay, maybe I'm too addicted to brother touchage, I admit).

*Ruby saving Dean? Ugh. That's Sam's job. Sammy, once again, why did you leave your brother?
But Dean's comment "god it was ass. It tasted like ass" was hilarious!

*Another hot thing : Dean and Sam bursting through doors! *sigh* They can come kick in my door anytime.

*Dean mouthing "told you so" to Sam! LOVED it!

*And Dean's face when Ruby said to the demon "I've wanted you for so long". PRICELESS!

*Dean killing the demon. \o/ That was intense. He *really* wanted her dead. Wow.

*Okay, so I didn't like all the Ruby scenes, but she does provide us with a lot of information. Dean can't be saved? WHAT ON EARTH? Aaaaarrrgghhhh!! Kripke, what have you cooked up for us? Dean is eventually going to turn into a demon in hell? Ruby is "different", "not like the others", like some kind of "good demon". Hmmm...we'll see about that.

So, all in all, not my favorite episode, but it has its moments. Bring on next week!!
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