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Old 01-07-2008, 12:15 AM
Obsessed Fan

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i really liked 'persepolis' as alot of respects it reminded me of written i said in one of my earlier posts where i described my thoughts on the film...i expressed the opinion that i was hoping that it won the oscar as the best foreign film at this year's academy awards's the official french entry into that category....wouldn't that be something if it won? an animated film taking the oscar in that category would be a's hoping...

last night in a theater........for a change of family and i saw 'the water horse'.......which is just a nice wholesome type of family film..and one i'd recommend for all ages......(yes....every so often we do see "mainstream" films in theaters.....the last one we saw, at thanksgiving, was 'enchanted')....

a while back i saw 'into the wild'.....i thought it was just ok.....once again i thought it was an overrated film....i'm just really hard to please when it comes to film......i really liked the cinematography...the only other films, that i've seen recently that have been as good in that category are....'the assassination of jesse james.....' and 'there will be blood'.....

if your looking for something a little bit different, in a film, that stars emile hirsch...i would suggest 'the mudge boy''s a homo-erotic tale about a boy and his pet chicken......i saw it in a theater a couple of year's's has a rather unique ending....

i don't do well with formats....i've always thought outside of the box and danced to a different drummer......i hope that my old way of posting to this thread doesn't upset anyone.......from what i understand it's not the rule to do it the new way, as others are choosing to....but then again without rules there would be anarchy...........
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