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Old 12-26-2007, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by KellylovesDylan (View Post)
Everyone has their imagination, with any show ending you could say nothing is written in stone. A Val/David fan could imagine David and Donna getting divorced and David finding his way back to Val, so if it's going to work that way you can completely rewrite the whole show. Nothing really is written in stone, it's about being realistic. The reality is David and Donna probably made it together, Kelly and Dylan most likely would be married, because of what the writers wanted the audience to think through their symbolism.

Yes, it's true that you could imagine any ending that you want. But realistically it wouldn't make sense for a David/Donna divorce and David/Val reunion, considering Donna is the only girl David ever really loved and the fact that Val moved on with another guy. Also keep in mind that there was a good closure to the David/Val relationship. Same with Steve/Janet, they were happily married with a kid. But with Dylan/Kelly, even though the symbolism may suggest what you say, they have just begun their relationship again. It's VERY realistic that they could break up soon afterwards, and she could reunite with Brandon. Especially when you consider that Kelly has had two great loves (Dylan and Brandon), and the fact that there was no real closure to the Bn/K relationship b/c they still loved each other. The "passion" that was missing could easily be explained by Brandon's affair since it can take many many months (or even years) for a relationship to recover from infidelity....and here Brandon and Kelly were trying to get married just 3 months later. So of course there were going to be doubts and uncertainty. Obviously it was a very contrived storyline so that Jason Priestley could leave the show. Add to this the fact that Dylan never explained how or why he and Brenda broke up. This of course, makes it VERY realistic for a possible Dylan/Brenda reunion as well. It could be explained as some kind of big misunderstanding.

I realize that this wasn't explained on screen and the last thing we saw, as you said, was a Dylan/Kelly kiss suggesting that they got back together. But the explainations I gave above is what makes the whole Bn/K, Dy/Br, and Dy/K so controversial. Since no Dy/K wedding was shown and the fact that they had just gotten back together makes it VERY easy and realistic to predict a breakup. Whereas predicting a breakup in David/Donna or Steve/Janet would be a lot more complicated.

Last edited by bigtimefan; 12-26-2007 at 06:21 PM
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