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Old 12-26-2007, 03:58 PM
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I know what the boquet represents, but that isn't the point. The point is the writer's used a lot of symbolism to show that Dylan and Kelly would end up together. That's what the writers were pointing at. Dylan saying "I like the flowers" (the ones she caught) was showing he was opened to marriage, that was the symbolism. The writers threw in tons and tons of symbolism to get their point across that they wanted the audience to know that these two ended up together forever.

Jennie preferred BK over DK, because she felt he was better for Kelly, because Dylan was more wild. However she did say she imagined Kelly and Brandon laying on beach together, but Dylan was back in the bushes. Kind of love Kelly was having an affair with him, or he was still very very much on her mind. Thats her own personal preference. That really had nothing to do with the last episode and what the writers wanted. I read articles written on the last episode, and all the writers of these articles talked about how Dylan and Kelly ened up together forever, and they talked about the symbolism to show this. The writers wanted it to be a solid ending. The fact is they all thought the show was going to come back for an 11th season, and when it didn't they had to rush everything back together. They had no time to have Kelly and Dylan actually get married for obvious reasons, and they were just getting back together. That early of getting back together, talking about marriage at that time is far to intense for a last scene, and that early in a relationship. So the writers showed it in a very beautiful way of what was going to happen. Everyone has their imagination, with any show ending you could say nothing is written in stone. A Val/David fan could imagine David and Donna getting divorced and David finding his way back to Val, so if it's going to work that way you can completely rewrite the whole show. Nothing really is written in stone, it's about being realistic. The reality is David and Donna probably made it together, Kelly and Dylan most likely would be married, because of what the writers wanted the audience to think through their symbolism.

It doesn't matter what the actors want. Shannon didn't want Brenda and Dylan to break up, and yet they did. Just because the actors don't want something to happen doesn't mean thats what will happen. Luke wanted Dylan to ride off into the sunset the last episode, and did that happen? No, he ended up with kelly. That doesn't prove a thing. Thats just a personal preference, what matters is what the writers do, and the producers do, and the final product of the show. The final thing that happens, because that is what is shown, that is what becomes the reality of the show. That is what happens in the characters live. Ian Ziering could say at this moment "I think Steve was gay, so I envison him laying on beach with David Silver" that doesn't make Steve gay. That doesn't make Janet and Steve now divorced, because thats what the actor wanted. I know thats an extreame example, but my point is the actor has their preference, but it doesn't change what goes on in the show. Yes, the writers take into account what the actors want, but in this case they didn't do what Luke and Jennie preferred. Luke liked dramatic endings; however, he didn't get one. And Jennie didn't oppose the DK relationship obviously, she preferred BK, but that didn't happen. So much symbolism was used to so what would happen afterwards, because the writers wanted it to be somewhat solid. Everyone has their own imagination, but realistically the thing that most likely happened was Dylan and Kelly would be together, because that's the last thing you ever see, and those last scene there was great symbolism for a reason.
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