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Old 12-11-2007, 08:40 AM
Joined: Oct 2007
Posts: 25
First,she said Hayden is amazing and hes wonderfull blah blah...and then she said:''There was a scene were Anakin gets mad and everybody gathered behind the monitor and said ''Oh,my,its like watching a star being born!!!''
A Naydenite said that Nat said that,in thread 4 or 5 or 6...i dont remember!

Oh,and something else.There are 9 pics with Hayden holding diffrent award statuetes,and theres only 2 pics with Nat holding diffrent award statuetes.
Thats not because she didnt get any other awards.She got 7 awards.but she got a statue for the 2 of them.
They didnt give her a statue for teenchoice award,for youngstar award,for NBR and OSDFC awards and the Saturn award.
These were just an acclaim,they didnt even invite her to the awards event...How cheap!
Thats why i didnt find other pics,there arent any other pics.
I dont know about you,but im MAD at the people who,not only didnt give her a statue,they didnt even invite her to the event...
Tell Cereal Killer that im sorry for the mean things I said about Nat in the past.
Shes not that bad indeed...
Hope you forgive me.I love you all!

Last edited by athas24; 12-11-2007 at 08:47 AM
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