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Old 12-08-2007, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Hawthorn (View Post)
They should be a given... right?
I guess so, but you never know.

I forgot about those awesome features too.
I still say they'll air the Sawyer one one week before the S4 premiere.
I'll wait until the next one comes out and then try to predict when Sawyer will get his.

Curveless doesn't sound sexy. :/
But I'll do something, if you're adamant in waiting for my crap .
I still recommend snagging some great icon from someone who know what they're doing.
I'm too lazy to take other people's icons and then credit them. I'm also not sure if I should ask them for permission or not. That's why I use only those made by Deej on apartment42. But she hasn't made any more SantaJosh icons except for the one you used a few days ago.
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