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Old 11-30-2007, 05:00 PM
ursa major
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It's unfortunate what's happening to this lady, but I have to wonder why she wouldn't know that this would not go over well with the Muslims in Sudan. Just based on the many things I've seen and heard, it seems like some Muslims (particularly in Africa & the Middle East) are very sensitive about their religion. Unless you are seriously practicing Islam they don't want you naming yourself, your children, your cat (even if you are practicing the faith) and especially not a stuffed toy, Muhummad. It's extremely disrespectful in their eyes.

Sudan is not America or England, and even here there are people who would be and are very offended when they meet people whose names are spelled J-e-s-u-s (even though most of the time it's pronounced "Hey Sue") or worst if someone name their teddy bear or pet rabbit Jesus Christ. Of course they probably wouldn't respond the way the Sudanese are responding, but the difference is religion is very much ingrained into their government and society, where as in America it is not.
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Last edited by ursa major; 11-30-2007 at 05:16 PM
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