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Old 11-26-2007, 08:29 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 916
Originally Posted by write2me (View Post)
OMG only 20 thread till 100. I need to get going on my 100th stuff.

And a reminder that all stuff is being sent to Ley!

And don't forget to post on JJ for Nikki.

Luckily my Zikki love has not leaked over into work although they do know how much I love the movie, that I saw it in theaters 3 times and now own the DVD. I am going to get 2 of my co-workers to watch the DVD.
One of my fellow coworkers is a hairspray movie nut like me and does feel some vibes coming through with Zikki. I need some advice on what interviews to give her to share the Zikki love.
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