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Old 11-03-2007, 03:00 PM
Elite Fan

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Fantastic episode!

Eric is really back for good. His hair has more personality than ever, the flirting is hilarious, and he cracked me with the "Lance". LOL call back to last season.

Oh Matt, marry me The first Matt/Julie scene was really cute, and a good reminder of the times when they were friends, but It was good that he said that to her. He likes her, but he can't make it so easy for her. I just hope they are able to find a way from now on. But really good to see them together again. They were adorable.
Also, Matt asking Tami what she thought of his atitude was really funny. LOL A bit awkward asking her, but i think he was seeing her as the adviser and not Julie's mother.

I was never into the triangle thing, i think I'll never be, but I liked what Tim told Lyla, about her going back and what he told Jason "I Love You". Tim grew up and both of them needed to hear that. Now go back to Texas, cause we're missing you all there.

eta: Just wanted to second (third) this
I know I'm alone here but I liked Landry more as a funny/nerdy friend of Matt's. Landry suddenly becoming like a hero of the football team felt like last year's story of Matt and it seemed so forced. That's just me..
I really like Landry... but he's so dark now, so like the others. I miss "Matt's friend". Though they had a good moment at the end. OTP

eta 2: I love Tami/Eric
it is
midnight, and time is passing;
and I lie alone

Last edited by Tugi; 11-03-2007 at 03:06 PM
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