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Old 08-30-2004, 09:10 PM
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Originally posted by fetch Well, Larek said Zan had always tried to do the right thing back on Antar. Ava and Rath were just tough, in my opinion. Lonnie was the only one who seemed to actually have bad intentions.

ITA.Ava seemed more like an outcast to me,with Zan dead,she didn't fit in with Lonnie and Raths plotting,because IMO,Avas intentions were never to hurt anyone.Rath seemed more of a follower,and more interested in Lonnie herself.Lonnie on the otherhand was intent on "the plan" and fulfilling what she was seeking.

Ava said herself Zan was always "waiting for someone else",I always pondered what that meant.I ship a bit of Awakened Dreamer,so was Zan waiting for his "Liz"? A human he would save? Or was Liz meant for both Zan and Max? Or whoever found her first? Or does Liz go way back in the alien mythology and her importance is bigger then we think,thats why Zan and Max were both "waiting" for her to happen.

Tess and Avas hearts were totally different to me.Tess seemed more like Lonnie,intent on fulfilling what she was meant to do,more keen on her alien side.Where Ava just wanted to belong,and her caring heart came out a bit more,even through the rough exterior.

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