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Old 08-30-2004, 07:15 AM
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James Leary knows about me? I have the strongest urge to start a thread with that as the title what happened what happened what happened?!?!?

My Jamesy doesn't know what he's talking about poor him has gone all crazy and started being B/A because of something to do with when he and SMG were together *shakes head sadly*

Wheeeeeeeee! You had fun?!

It's so cool that you meet people through Buffy and it feels kinda like I met them because I know you and Squeeeee!!!! Clem knows about Jen!!!

I can't wait until you get back and tell us all everything!!!!! EVERYTHING!!!!
Wifey Jen O'Neill With 2 L's!

Last edited by Scythe; 08-30-2004 at 11:23 AM
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