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Old 10-21-2007, 12:29 AM
Master Fan

.bian.carsan.'s Avatar
Joined: May 2000
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But while the wedding is the big centerpiece of the finale, it's not the only surprise in store. Watch for Kelly to find herself torn [between] her old flame Dylan (Luke Perry) and the man she's just split with, Matt (Daniel Cosgrove).

As the show comes to a close, 90210 history is summed up in one incredible speech by Kelly, when she reminds Steve of everything they've been through together.

But even that is nothing compared to the last scene. Dylan and Kelly resolve their love triangle and commit to each other as they dance together at the wedding party.

The last words ever spoken on the show will be when he asks her to dance, adding that if she wanted to she could wait. "I don't want to. Not anymore," Kelly replies as the couple slowly dance around the floor to their song, leaving no doubt that they've finally gotten together forever.
I loved that tidbit...

|| Hook♥Emma || Rafael♥Jane || Ash♥Michael ||
|| Danny♥Lindsay | Dylan♥Kelly | Alex♥Izzie | Lucky♥Sam | Emett♥Bay ||
| Lucas♥Peyton | Pacey♥Joey | Clark♥Chloe | Jeff♥Ginger | Angel♥Cordy | Charlie♥Kirtsen | Neal♥Sara |

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