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Old 09-27-2007, 11:43 AM
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Originally Posted by melizabeth032 (View Post)
I can cosign that one.
and i'll STAMP your co-sign, lol.

I think Eric doing some sort of reality show work would be PERFECT for him. He is not only amazing at the BB game, but he is seriously the most knowledgable, most unbiased and can totally see the big picture.
That's why he didn't fall into the "Janelle is the best player" trap, like many of us did He admits that Janelle is an amazing competitor, but he sees the whole picture and to tell you the truth... year after year after year, it's been proven that being an amazing competitor will NOT win you the game, unless you're a good srategist as well. He gave good and accurate reasons as to why he did some of the things he's done. He manages to find loopholes where they exist (like the Nick thing.. which BTW, when he expressed himself about it, i was just in awe).
He could seriously make a great living in reality TV production... BUT FIRST... the amazing race
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