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Old 08-20-2004, 12:23 AM
Elite Fan

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Joined: Oct 2000
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Okay. Lets see. I still have my old profiles save, but I only want to bring back Asher.

Um ... save me Rachel Bilson. For Drama Club. And ... can she be the leader? I can't remember if that was taken, but I want some power in this game. Rawr.

Name: Asher Walberg
Age: Seventeen
Grade: Junior
Clique: Punk
Personality: You’d think that a person who’s grown up with very few hardships and drama would seem a little more grateful for the life he leads and the people around him, but this has never been the case with Asher. Chalk it up to boredom and an MTV world if you want, but you’ll never get a clear cut explanation from Asher. In fact, you won’t get much of anything out of Asher if you were to approach. Elusive and disclosed, where some people have no problem with shoving their foot right in their mouth, Asher keeps his opinions to himself and instead takes on the role of the observer. It may appear as though Asher’s oblivious and apathetic to all that goes on around him, when in reality it’s the exact opposite. Asher sees everything, and because he plays close attention to detail, he often uses the small tidbits most people would overlook to his own advantage. Whatever it is about Asher … the tattoos, the brooding poetic bad boy … it draws some people in, and more importantly, the opposite sex. There’s always a good girl out there looking to save a bad boy. Asher doesn’t need saving, but that doesn’t mean he can’t indulge someone for a good couple of hours.
History: By the time Asher’s parents had divorced, Asher was far too young to understand the difference. Custody was decided early on, as Asher’s father was far more equipped to raise a son than his mother, a struggling artist hell bent on making it big in New York City. It never happened, and she moved back when Asher was six, wanting to finally take a part in her son’s life. From there, things pretty much just became normal. He still grew up under his father’s care, but his mother had visitation whenever she wanted, and eventually, shared custody was awarded without any hassle from either side once she attained a steady job in the marketing business. This is probably why many people are surprised at the type of music Asher listens to, or the way he acts when they discover where he comes from and how he was raised. Psychologists would say that Asher was a modern rebel without a cause, but really, Asher’s no different from any other teenager. It just so happens that he hates his normal hair color and most modern music annoys the shi out of him. Just like it does most people in general. Or so he says.
Theme Song: “At Least I Know I’m A Sinner” by Atreyu
Taken By: FAIT_Accompli
Played By: Deryck Whibley
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."

Last edited by FAIT_Accompli; 08-20-2004 at 05:56 AM
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