Thread: Spin-Off Ideas
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Old 09-07-2007, 09:06 PM
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Spin-Off Ideas

Here are a couple ideas and short descriptions for spin-offs I was thinking of. I know that the main demographics for Charmed will probably be a little different than those of most of these ideas, but by using the right kind of marketing and promotion I think any one of these could appeal to both fans of Charmed and all new fans.

1. A show about Leo Wyatt’s life and subsequent death and rebirth as a whitelighter. The story would follow the exploits of a green Leo, experiencing many of his adventures and duties for the first time, with wide-eyed excitement and optimism. It could show how he first became entwined in the Halliwell’s lives, from his run-ins with Grams and his later watching over of the young, unaware Halliwell girls. The finale could coincide with his first appearances on “Charmed.”

2. A show about Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda, as well as the various cousins from the other sisters. Most likely the story would take place after “Charmed” ended, continuing the main timeline, although it would be interesting to either explore or set the story of the alternate timeline where Wyatt turned evil and ruled the world with an iron fist, and his brother’s betrayal and attempts to turn Wyatt good. This show could show the struggles of the young witches trying to live up to their legendary parents’ legacy, as well as being hunted even more vigorously by the underworld for their powers. They would also face persecution from other witches and magical creatures for being essentially outcasts, the products of forbidden love, half-whitelighter and half-witch, half-cupid and half-witch, or quarter-whitelighter and quarter-witch and half-mortal.

3. A show about previous generations of the Halliwell/Warren line, which could include Penny Halliwell, Patty Halliwell, or Melinda Warren. The story would follow these prior witches who, although not as powerful as the Charmed Ones, are still quite strong in their own right, and contribute things to witchdom and the Book of Shadows that would later aid the Halliwell Sisters during “Charmed.” This show could coincide with a Leo Wyatt series, or at least include his character in certain story lines as he was intertwined with the Halliwell witches for generations.

4. A show about the magical hierarchy, which would focus on whitelighters and elders. This would be like a magical Law and Order, with the trials and tribulations of policing and managing the magical world. There could be appearances by pre-established characters, although it would be better to use mostly new characters to separate it enough from “Charmed” to be considered a show in its own right. There could also be storylines that take place during the “Charmed” era, or during events that were depicted in the show, only it would cover what happens from the elders and whitelighters point of view.

5. A show about other witches and magical beings that have nothing to do with the Halliwells other than existing in the same fictional universe as them. This could focus on all the other inhabitants of the magical community that weren’t the chosen ones, but were nevertheless powerful forces of good. Some storylines could depict brushes with the Charmed ones, or aiding them in some way that was unseen during the show. Or the show could take place either before or after the “Charmed” era, and depict small interactions or connections with previous Halliwell witches, or the Charmed children.

6. A show focusing on the underworld. This would be mainly about the demon world’s point of view, and depict how and why they do the things they do. It would attempt to lessen the strict black and white viewpoint depicted in “Charmed,” and attempt to show demons in a more sympathetic light. There could be familiar demons that appeared in the show, or have all new underworld characters. In order to have a compelling show that isn’t skewed by precedents set in “Charmed,” and to keep from contradicting the stories of the show, this spin-off could be set at some point in the future after “Charmed” ended, and show that with the power vacuum left by the “Charmed” generation of purely evil demons, the more morally ambiguous demons are able to take over and become the dominant species in the underworld, completely changing their motives and tactics.

I did not include a spin-off idea for Billie Jenkins because Kaley Cuoco, as incredibly beautiful and amazing as she is, has clearly stated she'd have no interest in doing a Charmed spin-off. I have heard Brian Krause express an interest in playing his character in a spin-off, as well as at least one of the boys that played Piper's sons as older men. I'm sure at least a few of these ideas have been posted before, but that is part of why I included them, as I know that they would be possible since they are already fairly popular. I do feel that doing anything that is too close to the original Charmed show would be a mistake as they wrapped up their stories pretty nicely, showing what would happen to the sisters in the future. These ideas represent characters that have more open-ended pasts or futures, and so could make for a good 3, 4, 5, or 6 seasons of interesting stories. I personally really like the idea of doing a show about Leo as a newbie whitelighter, because it is connected to the original show through him, while leaving the writers just about complete freedom to come up with some compelling storylines, as well as showing why Leo acts the way he does, and how he knows so much about the magical community. I also think the idea of a show focusing on the other side of the magical world would be pretty cool, although I'm not sure how much support it would get as it would most definately be a lot darker in tone.
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