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Old 08-22-2007, 09:33 PM
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S.A.S.H.A.'s Avatar
Joined: Jul 2003
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When there are no classes for students because teachers are at a meeting.

Nah, they flirt enough as is, can't get any worse. The co-worker I refer to as Gilbert transferred to a local junior high (midget can't handle high schoolers ) but we went out to lunch yesterday. He and I have been known throughout campus by all for our banter over the past 5 years. But oh, man. Ever since there has been an influx of guys in my life, he's gotten downright nasty. Like during summer break he'd call and ask about Frank: has he eaten you out yet? Me: That's the sort of talk I expect from my mother, not him. It was funny when teachers saw him on campus picking me up for lunch and try to make insinuations about us like always. Ew.

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