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Old 08-21-2007, 07:49 PM
Loyal Fan
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Joined: Oct 2006
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Hi Every1

Sorry that it took me so long to come on and tell you about my "Randy experience." lol I was just so exhausted when I got home. I took the bus to MA and it was a 4 hour bus ride to and from within 2 days, with very little sleep in between.

I'll give my thoughts on the play itself tomorrow at some point.

But just wanted to mention now that I did get to speak to Randy after the play. My friends and I weren't expecting him to come out, especially since last time we went he just kept walking and didn't stop for the fans.

But there was a Q & A after this show and it was over about 11:15 p.m. I'd say. So we went outside and it turns out that his Aunt and her friend were waiting to see him. So he gave her a big hug and talked to her briefly and then it was just me and my 2 friends waiting to speak with him. Nobody else was around, everyone else had left for the night.

He was wearing blue jeans (faded) a white t-shirt and a brown hoodie and Adidas sneakers. He looked so amazingly beautiful, I don't even think I can put it into words. The mustache is gone, thank God and I love his hair this length.

Anyway, my friend asked him how hard it is to do 2 plays and remember all of the dialog for both? He just said something like, "Oh, it's not that bad. You just do it."

We mentioned how much we loved the play and he thanked us for coming to see it. And my friend also told him that we'd donated to tAB and he put his hand on his chest and smiled (that gorgeous sunshine smile) and said, "Thank you so much. That means alot."

We then asked him if he'd mind if we took a picture of him and he said no, he didn't mind. And so he posed for a pic for my 1 friend and then myself and then my other friend. And I believe he thanked us again for coming and told us to have a safe trip home.

So we were all extremely happy that we'd gotten to talk to him and get pics. It was definitely worth the 4 hour bus ride.

As I've said about a million times in the past, he really is a total sweetheart. Even though he hasn't been acting as friendly towards the fans this summer as he's been in the past, tonight he proved to me what a nice person he is. Maybe it was because it was just the 3 of us standing there and he didn't feel intimidated, I'm not sure. But I'm just so glad I got the chance to go up there again and see him both in the play and afterwards.

Like I said, I'll post my thoughts on the play sometime tomorrow. Although I'm not real good at that kind of thing, I'll try my best.
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