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Old 08-15-2007, 10:46 PM
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The sisters threw a wedding for Val and her newely husband, Casey. The flowers were beautiful and colorful. It was nice outside of the reception because it was stuffy. Many guests danced with their dates to Kelly Clarkson all night long. Val met Casey after the wedding for her gift from her friends and family, which made the couple feel happy. Everyone had a fantastic time. During the ceremony, guests sang lyrics to mimic Elvis and laughed very loudly at them. When toasts were made, the guests cheered and cried after the groom kissed the bride. The honeymoon was just beautiful and tropical. Once they arrived in a beautiful limo outside of the newly built house all decorated with expensive furniture from a fancy schmancy shop. The party started early which made the DJ happy, Kaylee danced all the way around the floor and sang Happy Marriage and Life with Jess. A little animal climbed through the dance
~ Val aka Victoria ~
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