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Old 07-28-2007, 03:45 AM
Master Fan

Joined: Nov 2006
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gosh! this thread has to be keep on posted! ok, ok... let's start with me first:
i love Jess the way he told Rory:
JESS: What the hell is going on?

RORY: I told you. He's tired, and his family's bugging him right now.

JESS: No, no. I mean with you. What's going on with you?

RORY: What do you mean?

JESS: You know what I mean. I know you better than anyone. This isn't you.

RORY: I don't know.

JESS: What are you doing? Living at your grandparents' place, being in the DAR, no Yale...why did you drop out of Yale?!

RORY: It's complicated.

JESS: It's not! It's not complicated.

RORY: You don't know.

JESS: This isn't you. This, you going out with this jerk, with the Porsche. We made fun of guys like this.

RORY: You caught him on a bad night.

JESS: This isn't about him. Okay, screw him. What's going on with you? This isn't you, Rory. You know it isn't. What's going on?

RORY: I don't know. I don't know.
i love how he cared about Rory at that moment.
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