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Old 07-25-2007, 06:05 AM
Black mamba
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You're welcome Cris She really is stunning on those pics And like Adara said it's hard to find a pic where she doesn't look good anyway lol

And yeah I heard about that too Adara, it seems that she's not with Paul anymore although we can't never know for now especially when you know that it never was official between them so..

Oh and I just posted that at the Jen's board so I thought I will post it here too There's an interview of Jen on Dare Magazine we can see a small pic of it here : Dare You have to click in the picture of Jen at the right

And someone at friendscafe post the article So here it is :

The reason we love Jennifer Aniston after all these years is that she's so easy to relate to. Unlike many Hollywood A-listers, the 38-year-old movie star, who I first interviewed 10 years ago, is the first to point out that despite her success, fame and wealth, she's just like the rest of us, with the same insecurities about her looks and future.
Let's face it, she's had a rough time of it lately with Brad Pitt, her husband of 5 years, leaving to start a family with the modern-day Mother Teresa, Angelina Jolie,and then witnessing them pose for cameras at the Cannes Film Festival in their euphoric state of loved-up bliss. But Jen has dealt with the pressures of being under the media microscope with the utmost dignity.
She credits her close knit group of friends and her spiritual belief that things happen for a reason, even though it maybe hard to understand at the time, with helping her work through the emotional pain of her divorce.
' I think you're constantly searching- whether it's on a spiritual path, or a love path, or you're trying to become a better person,' she says. 'But when they put those headlines on top of the articles saying I had it all, it made me sound like I wasn't aware of what I had, and that was far from the truth.'
She's as disarmingly genuine now as when I first met her all those years ago. As then, there are no diva-style demands and Jen jas a real knack for making you feel like you're an old school chum. Without a second though, she'll offer you a coffee (okay she'll send her assistant out for it) or give you some best-friend advice if you vent about a tiff you'e having with your man.
Blessed with peaches-and-cream complexion, Jen wears minimal make-up: a little brown mascara, some pihk blush and a slick of barely there, rose-coloured lip gloss. But it's her twinkling turquoise eyes that are really captivating. Her famed crowing glory is iron-board straight and, as always, she is immaculately dressed.
Born in California, Jen, who's half Greek, grew up in New York City. Her parents, John, an actor on the daytime American soap Days of Our Lives and Nancy, a former actress, divorced when Jennifer was nine. She embarked on a showbiz career after attending New York's School of the Performing Arts (also known as the Fame school). With the success of Friends, Jen starred in a bevy of movie hits: The Object of My Affection, Bruce Almighty, The Good Girl and, most recently,The Break Up, opposite her on/off boyfriend Vince Vaughn. And she recently caused a stir by playing a lesbian who locks lips with actress Courteney Cox on the American show Dirt.
As for Vaughn, 37, Jen's keeping quiet. But it seems that after their intense, year-long relationship, the couple have been romancing it up again. There's also her fling with Essex bricklayer-turned-model Paul Sculfor, which grabbed the headlines on both sides of the Atlantic. We know Jennifer's keen to start a family, so it looks as though she's keeping her options open to make sure she finds the perfect man.
Here she chats to DARE about love,life and friends....
What's been the most difficult part of going through a break-up?
'I'd say right when it's happening. I think afterwards is when you begin to heal. But it's hard during the break-up and especially the anticipation of it. I also think it's difficult post break-up, when you're trying to just remember how to be alone again. I don't think it's good to jump into a relationship with another person right away. They key is to get back to yourself.'
Who did you turn to during that difficult period?
'Well my friends made me laugh. I made myself laugh. It's fun to entertain yourself. I have a small group of friends who I trust, and usually I'll discuss something with one or two of them, get advice, and then I figure it out for myself. I collect the data and then I figure out what I'm going to do.'
Would you be open to having a relationship with a man who's not famous?
'They don't have to be anything so as long as they're not crazy!'
Do you still believe in marriage?
'Oh yeah.'
And having a family one day?
'I've always wanted to have children. I'm very much looking forward to that, so yes.'
How did you deal with the global press coverage over your marriage break-up?
' I just didn't pay attention to it. It's toxic. It's the price you pay for being in this business and I understand that.'
Can you understand why people are so fascinated by your life?
'I really don't know! (Smiles) I can remember being a kid and reading Teen Beat (a US magazine) to find out what famous people are really like. But what's so embarrassing is that all we actually do is go home at the end of the day, and it's so normal. I think the media creates much more intrigue than there actually is.'
What is your biggest fear?
'Ahhh! I'm still afraid of flying, but I've gotten so much better. I was once on a little (private) jet plane from Toronto to New York, which is only an hour's flight, and we were caught in an electrical storm. Basically, you feel like you're in a tin can and someone is violently shaking you. I looked back at the director I was travelling with and he was crossing himself. When we landed, I cried for an hour. I couldn't get out of my seat.'
Do you go to therapy?
'Yeah, I saw a therapist for years but she died a few years ago.I have an amazing group of friends who I've known since I've lived in LA, and we have these DIY therapy sessions! There are about 12 of us.We've all moved on with our lives- some of us are married and have had babies, we're all evolving. We keep each other together.'
What's the worst part of being famous?
'I'd say the loss of anonymity is tough. Having people stalk you and follow you from the bottom of your driveway is weird. It scares you sometimes. You don't always know if it's a paparazzo or a psycho fan.'
What have you done when someone has followed you ?
'I've done everything from just saying: ''Okay, come with me to the supermarket! (Laughs) It's going to be a lot of fun for you.'' But I've also driven straight to the police station.'
What has been your weirdest experience with a fan?
'When I was out shopping with Courteney (Cox) and somebody took off their coat and offered it to me! I'm like: ''No, I really couldn't.'' She's screaming: ''You don't understand. I designed this coat and I want you to wear it.'' So there's me explaining that I'd feel more comfortable buying one in her store, when Courteney says, ''Listen, can I have your blazer?'' '
How do you keep in shape?
' I like to run first thing in the morning. You can get addicted to the euphoric feeling of having a good sweat after a run. It wakes up your body. Unfortunately it's hard to work out when I'm on a set all day. I really see the difference, especially growing older (laughs). My body ain't what it used to be. I'm also loving yoga, which helps me feel strong inside.'
Do you follow a particular diet?
'I eat absolutely everything... in moderation. I love the Zone Diet ( a low- carbohydrate diet plan). The same guy who introduced it to Sandra Bullock told me about it. It's become a way of life for me. I lost inches and I gained muscle.'
Are you comfortable being naked?
'I am comfortable, yes, but I don't walk around my house for that long in my nakedness!'
Do you like to cook for yourself?
' Yeah but I order in often too.'
What's your favourite dish?
'Tuna-fish sandwich with hot dogs. I know it sounds gross. I'm like the queen of sandwiches. I'm a good sandwich maker.'
You're of Greek heritage. Can you cook Greek food?
'I have a great recipe for baklava (crushed nuts in a filo pastry). I also remember the first time for Thanksgiving, I was going to make spanakopita (spinach pie). My dad gave me my grandmother's recipe, and eight hours later I'm still baking! Nobody ate it.'
Do you have a stylist who tells you what to wear or does fashion come naturally?
'No, I've never been good at styling, especially when I was a teenager. I'm not good at combining clothes. I like having a stylist to put pieces together because then I don't have to think about it.'
Which designer do you turn to when you walk the red carpet?
' There are a few. I can always rely on Armani, Chloe or Chanel- their designs are classic and timeless.'
And for casual attire?
'I like jeans by Generra and 7 For All Mankind. I'm a jeans kind of gal.'
What are your favourite beauty products and tips?
'I don't buy really expensive products. I use Neutrogena soap. I have since I was a teenager. I like L'Oreal's body gel scrub and their eye-make-up remover really works. And I drink a ton of water. If anything, that's the one thing I've noticed helps my skin. I get cranky if I dehydrate.'
How do you care for your amazing hair?
'Believe it or not, I'm very low-maintenance in that department. I just cut it and I condition it. I like the Frizz-Ease deep-conditioning packs. The fancy expensive stuff doesn't always seem to work for me.'
What makes you happy?
'My life. A sunset makes me happy. Really silly things make me happy. Being with my friends, a bottle of wine and some nice cheese. People being kind to each other.'
Do you make big plans for the future or do you take life as it comes?
'I kind of take life as it comes. I'm not someone who plans or maps things out. People say where do you see yourself in five or 10 years? And I never know how to answer that. I'm very moment to moment and I just trust things are happening for a reason.'
I really like that interview
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