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Old 08-10-2004, 12:32 AM
Extreme Fan
Joined: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,310
Originally posted by Phee
Juzzie, I added you. And I also added an Official Idol Geek Tiara to the first post, too. Hope you all like it. I was going for something delightfully over the top and tacky.
You SO achieved that. It's so completely tacky that it's incredibly cool!

Originally posted by CarlyM
Oh that is priceless, EJ! (Does calling you 'EJ' make you cringe? Tell me if Eliza or Elizajoey works better for you, I have a habit of using shorter names ). Another thing that bugs me about McHat Man is when he sings he bunches his non-microphone arm up in like a chicken wing shape and flaps it up and down a bit with his hand clenched in a weird fist... I obviously pay too much attention to stupid things!
I dont mind you calling me that. My name is Sara if you rather that, I dont mind.
OMG. I know exactly what you mean. You described it so perfectly. That is exactly how his arm goes. You're scaring me

Originally posted by Phee

Chanel and Ben are so getting it on (or if they haven't yet, they're totally gonna sooner or later). The way she was eyeing him off during her perf was too cute.
I second that.
Apart from the fact I really like Ben. I want him to get to the Top 12 so we can have some Benel lovin'. They are the cutest thing!

Originally posted by *Evie

I thought her name was Yasmine Abedeera. (sp) What's with the shortening of her last name? Does she even need a last name to be recognised?
I have no idea. If it's true, remember that Leah did it too. She was Leah V......... and then she changed to the pron name of Leah Labelle.

As a side note. I forgot to mention earlier but you know during that Up Close with Shannon thing. There were some ppl who were waving signs. I realise that my spelling and grammar is miserable but I dont parade it on a sign on national television. They had a sign that read "Your the bomb" HEY PEOPLE it's YOU ARE or YOU'RE. It's not that hard. You should at least check before you display it on national TV.
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