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Old 07-03-2007, 03:56 PM
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GH S&S: Turning Off Soap Fans One Day At a Time

So here's a new thread! Random title.We can change it if we want I know not everyone shares those sentiments but it's the first thing I thought of

Previous spoilers:

Robin lays into Lucky for arresting Jason.
Ric tries to make some inroads via Coop.
7/11 Jerry, Carly, Alexis and
7/13 Lucky demands to know if Liz is in love with Jason.
Ric calls Jerry and Alexis into his office and notes some kind of "vibe".
Ric warns Alexis that Jerry is nothing but trouble and she should keep her distance.
Amelia knows exactly who Kate Howard really is, much to Kate's displeasure.
Anna decides to surprise Robin and arrives at an awkward moment.
Ric gives Sonny a warning.

Diane warns Jason that his feelings for Liz could cost him his freedom.

"There's a lot of questions in Jason's head at this point, sitting behind bars.
But ultimately what it comes back to is what is going to be best for Jake. So whether I think,
'Yeah, I do want to be with Liz, I'm still going to be thinking about what's best for Jake."
--Steve Burton, SID

Jason could make the ultimate sacrifice- cut himself out of Liz and Jakes lives,
but what if its too late for that (and what if there is a third option...)?

Liz slips up to a suspicious Carly about Jake.

A mobular/copper shootout leaves Logan shot by Cooper.

"Logan has a secret of his own that's going to be quite compelling
and very traumatic when it comes out."--Guza, SOD.


Alexis emphatically turns down a dinner date with Jerry.
Jerry gets under her skin when he states he believes she is more concerned what
others might think than about what she wants.

Sonny gets a big kick out of the competition between Kate and Amelia.
He may regret that down the road.

Sam moves out of the penthouse.

Jason tells Sam that he will never trust her.

After learning the truth, Carly warns Liz that what goes around, comes around-
she should watch her back, especially around Sam who seems to have gone over the edge.
(Sam proves Carly right, she has Liz in her crosshairs.)

Sam's drinking becomes more of a problem and affects her work.

Jason admits to Carly and Sonny that he has feelings for Liz . He insists but
they are irrelevant because Liz plans to stay married to Lucky.

It is Scott vs. Ric, and Logan will be drawn into their battle by Ric.
This will place Logan at odds with Sonny's interests, and with Coop.

Carly points out that Kate doesn't have the right stuff to be a mob moll.

Before the end of July, Lucky becomes verbally abusive, very aware of Liz's feelings
for Jason. Lucky's threats and actions leave Liz no choice but to move out of the Spencer
house, and to tell Lucky that the man he is fighting to keep away from his family,
is Jake's father.

Jason sets Liz up in a place of her own.

Amelia doesn't take too well to losing her sex partner.

Logan wins the bet but loses the girl.
Lulu regrets sleeping with Logan; Logan regrets making the bet.

Maxie gets a helping hand from an unusual source.

Carly's life will be endangered when she teams up with Alexis in her efforts to locate Jax,
as well as with Jerry who works with her to clear Jason of the murder charge.

Jerry's actions will clear the way for Alexis to win back custody of Molly.

Jason and Sam call it quits.

Jason discovers a new use for his skills.
One day you're there and then all of a sudden there's less of you. And you
wonder where that part went, if it's living somewhere outside of you and you keep
thinking maybe you'll get it back and then you realize it's just gone.
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