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Old 07-30-2004, 10:53 PM
Dizzy Dia
New Fan
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 27
Love this ep. It's one of my faves.

When Ellie jumped into Sean's arms I thought it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Does anyone wonder how hard it was for Ellie not to cut when Sean told her they had to break up? That must have sucked. I felt so bad for her.

Does Canada really have a student welfare thing? That's so awesome! I wish the US had something like that. Where you could just live by yourself that easily. It's a really cool idea. I'm so happy that Sean gets to stay and finish his education. He deserves it. He gets handed a lot of raw deals. I think this student welfare and that teacher are gonna be really good for him.

What was with Amy? She was more then annoying. And wow, I just yearn for friends like hers. You know ones that'll just leave me passed out in the bathroom w/ alcohol poisoning instead of calling an ambulance b/c it'll ruin the party. What wonderful friends. *rolls eyes*

I'm glad Sean finally told Jay off. That guy annoys me. And how come he and the rest of his friends all look so much older then everyone else? Are they supposed to be seniors or just have been held back like 5 times in a row?

The JT/Manny stuff was awesome. I think they're cute together. Finally we have an episode where Manny doesn't annoy me to death. I actually felt sorry for her. She's right no one ever talks about how Craig was cheating on his gf. It's all about Manny being the "other girl".
A wise girl kisses, but never loves listens, but doesn't believe and leaves before she is left.
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