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Old 07-26-2004, 12:54 AM
Ultimate Fan

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I got home almost an hour ago from my fave pub.

One of the bouncers was flirting with me. I like the dude, but today I found out that he has a thing for a girl I know from college. She told me that he's completely fallen for her, that he showers her with gifts everysingle time he gets the opportunity to. But I still like him, and she told me tonight she doesn't like him (she doesn't know I like him). We almost kissed tonight; if it were up to him we would've kissed, but I don't want to be just another girl in his long list of conquests, I want it to be special.

Why do girls make everything so difficult? I know that if I were a guy I would have no problem with kissing the dude when I had the chance, instead of waiting for a perfect moment/oportunity.

I'm so drunk. I need to go to bed and stop thinking about this. It's 3.54am and I have to be at work at 10am. I need sleep. I need rest. I need food, but that can wait till the morning.
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