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Old 05-23-2007, 12:51 AM
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Originally Posted by IsabelAmandaEvans (View Post)
Which makes the concept of him returning, and coming back all the more grand . Just like how Izzie was "beneath an intern" when she got she had to just observe and just threw a lot of hoops to get into that O.R. to perform surgery. It was hard struggle, but she did it. When she was off probation it was a grand moment. I'm imagining that for George. IMO It shows great strength and courage to come back from something like that . It's a hard thing to do, and I can totally understand the whiney and such that goes with it. Yet at the end it's all worth it, and in both cases Bailey got her babies' back .
You took those words right out of my mouth (or brain), Mel. Those are my thoughts exactly. I want George to repeat his internship at SGH. At least, he'd have Izzie and his friends with him in the difficult times. Plus, it would drive Callie nuts. The humiliation of the Chief Resident married to a husband who failed his intern exam would probably torture her. Oh, the irony!
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