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Old 05-18-2007, 04:38 PM
Spike it up
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That's a bit scary theory Michael.
Someone actually suggested similar thing on Spoilers Thread, and I freaked out there too.
I just really don't want to see that happen.
I love SVLois just the way she is. And Chloe is great all on her own. I do not want them to mess that up. Especially not as a way to try and make both fan bases happy - it would be way too much fence sitting for my taste.

I do hope Chloe comes back. Why turn her into meteor mutant just to kill her off right away? Plus, what kind of power is that if you get to use it only once?

You make really good arguments about Lionel.
I was hoping we'd get more answers about him in the finale, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

There is an interesting backstory which isn't exactly (show's) canon, but is still related, and it helps explain Lionel's actions a bit.
CW website is advertising games on their site, and they contain some backstory.
According to that info Virgil Swann, Genevieve Teague, Robert Queen, and Lionel Luthor came together, before the original meteor shower, to deal with the discovery of alien technology/artifacts on Earth, heralding an upcoming invasion by General Zod. While the team worked for many years on the issue, setting up programs to develop a human army to repel the threat, Luthor and Teague went “rogue”. The genesis of nearly every aspect of LuthorCorp’s ongoing attempt to study “meteor freaks” and alter humanity, right up to the current Project 33.1/Ares, is a product of that original mandate.
(short recap by entil2001 @ LJ)

It sounds interesting, if they really think this went on, it's a shame they didn't include it on the show, it would explain a lot.
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