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Old 05-06-2007, 07:29 AM
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Joined: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by ~Jewel~ (View Post)
OMG, I just watched the videos and Zac seems so goofy all the time. He´s so happy, that I can tell, but what makes me really mad is that they are still denying they are dating. I mean seriously Zac how can you still say you two are just very good friends?

The interviews were awesome, though. And the eyesex AMAZING. We never got that many looks in one interview.
ITA Jule I can't believe they're still lying about their relationship in our faces. I just wish some interviewer will caught them by surprise and show them the Hawaii pictures but I'm sure that somehow they'll still find a (lame ) way to deny it.
Come on guys it's not fair! We were hoping for some 'official confirmation'!

Just a little dialogue I couldn't help it

Interviewer- Vanessa, you recently said that you would never get romantically involved with your male castmates because you all have brothers-sisters like relationships. But on this picture you don't really look disgusted.
(He shows them the Hawaii kissing picture. Zac and Vanessa are completely shocked)
Vanesssa- Um...well you know it was because Ashley was there and she wanted a picture...
Interviewer- Ashley wasn't there...
Vanessa- She wasn't?
Interviewer- No
Vanessa- No? Damn I knew it, that's what I told Zac that girl really looked like her. And she said 'kiss' that's what we did...
Interviewer- So, she also asked you to cuddle, and hold hands?
Zac- You know our fans are really nice so we like to...make them happy you know but of course we're friends. You shouldn't doubt about that.
Interviewer (shouting)- Hey guys, they are dating!!
Zac- What? But we said...(nobody's listening to them) Oh crap!
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