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Old 07-17-2004, 06:47 PM
Master Fan

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Joined: Jan 2004
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Re: Soulmates~New RPG~Come Join!

TB: QueenBitch
Name: Natalia Windsor
Age: 17
Info: Natalia's very indecisive. She has no clue what she really wants for herself and tends to think in the moment. It's probably her biggest flaw. She just wants to have fun.
Relationships: She's dating Chris, but isn't sure where it's going. OR if it's going anywhere. She's starting to get a bit tired of the relationship, actually. And never sees him. She's around Nate more than her own boyfriend, she's starting like she's beginning to know her co-worker more than the ever absent boyfriend.
PB: Rachel Bilson

TB: QueenBitch
Name: Andrew Morris
Age: 17
Info: Andrew's not exactly the most perceptive guy out there. He doesn't notice things right in front of him. And basically just lives in the moment, hooking up with a random girl and moving on. That's just how it is. There's basically nothing stable in his life.
Relationships: That one stable thing in his life? His best friend, (girl in couple six.)
PB: Chris Carmack
You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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