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Old 04-14-2007, 01:00 AM
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I've been meaning to bring some great posts in here that were made in the J&K thread before I started this one. Hopefully they can foster some discussion

Originally Posted by Franci
Am I the only one who found the pretty BIG connection between Kate and Cassidy so... WRONG for skate?! I mean..while they were talking about the baby,and Cassidy said she still loved 'him'..I was like 'omg and Kate's gonna sleep with him.Ewww...this feels ..weird..' These two girls were friends,and even though Kate doesn't know that Cassidy's 'him' is still feels wrong.. Sawyer was 'present' in this eppy just because of the feelings that Cass had for him..which again,is not good at all for skate. it's like they were showing that Sawyer needs to become a better man because he has someone who's waiting for him..someone who loves him.
Originally Posted by Franci
But they managed to do a pretty interesting thing with putting Cassidy in Kate's flashbacks and showing that Sawyer has someone to go back for.the whole "that is not my kid" in 3x04 was put there for a reason too... he needs to grow and in the end,he will be able to say: 'yeah,that's my kid.and I'll take care of her'..
there wasn't the need to put Cassidy in Kate's FB if not for this purpose.
Originally Posted by ronniekins77
If the intention of her character was to simply show that Sawyer was selfish and chose money over love, then her character should have served her purpose in the first episode she was in, The Long Con. But the writers have brought her back twice now. The first time they brought her back, we found out that she has a kid by Sawyer and she wanted him, despite everything he put her through, to get to know the little girl. Then, at the end of that episode, Sawyer does probably the most un-selfish thing ever...all the money he gets he gives to the daughter he doesn't know. That was probably the first time pre-island Sawyer showed some love. And now they've brought Cassidy back, and have reiterated that after everything, she still loves Sawyer.

Another reason why I like Sawyer/Cassidy - Cassidy saw right through him and his crap. When he pulls the whole money-falls-out-of-briefcase thing, she saw right through it. She's not a stupid woman. And also, she didn't smack his hand and try to change him, she wanted to learn from him. Now obviously I personally wouldn't do that, but she accepted him. She accepted what he did because she loved him and I'm sure that if he wanted to change, she'd accept that. But Sawyer has a "tiger don't change their stripes" thing, which is one reason I think he and Kate wouldn't work out. She's always trying to move forward, grow, become a good person. The "bad" thing she did, she did out of love for her mother. The "bad" things Sawyer did, he did for himself. And Cassidy's more like him in that way...look at the way she was still conning people in Kate's FB, LOL.

I also find it interesting that in the Sawyer FBs that Cassidy has been in, his flashbacks have majorly affected him. In The Long Con, Sawyer was finally getting people to like him again. But thinking about what he did to Cassidy made him sink back to that state of self-loathing, "I don't deserve anything good" - what I like to call the "Kate Complex". And he reverted back to his old ways because that's how bad he felt, even going so far as to ruin the happiness he and Kate were sharing.

Then in EMFH, the episode where Sawyer is being beaten up on and nearly killed and there's this whole love thing going on between him and Kate...who are his flashbacks about? Cassidy and his baby. And how having a woman always ruins everything. Sawyer's been in the process of falling for Kate and every time he seems to be getting somewhere with her, he takes two steps back by thinking of Cassidy. In EMFH, he told Kate, "It's every man for himself" and I'll be damned if he wasn't thinking of how Cassidy locked him up in jail and abandoned him there when he thought she loved him; he didn't expect her to do that.
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