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Old 04-05-2007, 09:36 AM
wolfie woof
Extreme Fan
Joined: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,604
Here's something intersting that I found...
Greg Beeman talks about the audition process for the role of Sylar. Here.

Fate is our friend on this show – because after Chris passed on the Sylar character, we began to audition, and into the audition walked Zach Quinto. Zach’s audition was one of the most amazing things I’ve seen. He had two scenes to read that were completely different. See at that time (back in late October?) there were no real Sylar scenes… (remember before episode 10 he was always just a black shadow with a baseball cap? Well, before then we used to film a stuntman or a stand-in – once we cast Zach we had time to go back and shoot him in the diner watching Charlie and Hiro.) In Tim’s very first draft of the pilot script was a strange intense scene for Sylar – he was imprisoned in a cell in Italy with long claw-like nails and sharp teeth. That version of Sylar, which never even made the final pilot draft, was way weirder and more monstrous, -- like Nosferatou. The writers had also banged out a version of what eventually became the first scene of meek Gabriel the watchmaker. So Zach came in cold to a room with 6 producers and 2 casting directors (I don’t know how actors take the pressure of auditions!) and read, first this intense monstrous scene, and then, second, a meek mild mannered role. After his first version of Gabriel – which he read kind of ominously, I gave him the note to play it like an incredibly introverted person who can’t even look people in the eye, but who loves watches and machines. He did an amazing adjustment – doing that perfectly. Then he read the monstrous Sylar scene – very monstrously. Dennis Hammer gave him the note to read it more casually, humanly and to be menacing subtextually. He again made this adjustment perfectly. As he left the room – we all turned to each other, blown away and said – “that guy just gave us four completely different characters – he can do anything!!! So Zach got the job. And as we keep shooting we keep delving into his amazing facility. Watch tonight how he slips into the character of the charming, shy Texas deliveryman with a slight accent – and then back to creepy Sylar – so fluidly! He’s the nicest guy too! Love Zach!!
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