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Old 07-08-2004, 09:43 AM
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Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 864
I enjoyed the movie immensely, but my most memorable scene has to be where Harry uncovered his father's identity as the Green Goblin. And at MJ's wedding I wonder if he already became the the next Green Goblin (note the green bow tie he wore, the same thing that his father did after becoming Green Goblin)
Despite all those clues of the next villain I dont believe he'll be the villain in the next SP3.
Notice the missing arm on Dr. Curt Connors (Peter's proffesor) according to the comic book he injected some whacked out serum into the missing limb and it went wrong and mutated him into a lizard.
And then there was John Jameson (MJ's ex) he's a pissed off dude having ditched at the altar will soon become a wolf man sort of villain. (something about him finding some foreign object while on his expedition in space) There's a connection between him and Spidey but couldnt remember what.
So many villains to handle so little time, Peter and Spiderman would have his hands full in the next movie. My lil' bro is crazy comic book fan, tells me these things even when I dont want to know it.

Napoleon Dynamite: [referring to Deb's milk] I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.

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