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Old 02-01-2004, 07:29 PM
Rooney Babe
Dedicated Fan
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Joined: Nov 2003
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Uhhh... I just got this D-mail saying it was a new Journal entry... Oh well, might as well post it.

Your Future
Dear readers, nobody can truly understand or predict what the future holds. Save your crystal balls and tarot cards for the traveling sideshow spectacles; tea leaves are meant to be steeped, not read; the lines of a palm reveal nothing more than how much one has been shoveling recently. Clairvoyance can only predict how many dupes will soon part with their hard-earned money.

There is only one thing I know about the future: unless you plan for it, you won't have one. For however obscure the unfolding of future events may seem, each individual wields ultimate power over the what-is-yet-to-be. Through careful planning and forethought, you all have the ability to influence and affect the outcome of the next moment, the next day, the next year, the next millennium. How your future unfolds has everything to do with the choices, be they positive or negative, that you make right now. Today you might decide to finish your biology homework, ten years from now you may be performing arthroscopic knee surgery on a famous athlete. Conversely, you may decide to skip school and hold up a convenience store, and ten years from now you may be granted parole.

Unless you plan ahead to mold your future as you see fit, the future will control you. If you let the future "happen" to you, there's no telling where you may one day end up. Of course, there are some people who claim that they prefer to live life this war, as though they were rafting down the Mississippi of life with Huck and Jim by their side. In other words, they want to remain children forever. Like it or not, the future is hurtling towards us; babies become children, children become teenagers, teenagers become adults. If we want to be happy, fulfilled adults, we'd better start planning for the future now.

Because life is an ugly, awful place to not have a best friend.
--Someone Like You, Sarah Dessen
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