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Old 02-23-2007, 11:26 AM
Jacob1983's Avatar
Joined: Jan 2006
Posts: 4,893
I'm sorry but I just don't buy the whole "you're born gay" theory. You can throw all the stats and studies at me but I'm not going to cave. Babies don't know anything about their sexual orientation. They don't even know what straight and gay are when they're babies.

Like I said before, I am entitled to my opinion because of the ACLU and the first amendment.
I just find it funny how I'm so wrong and deemed a bigot because I believe homosexuality is unnatural and wrong because of my religious beliefs. However, you posters are allowed to tell me that I'm wrong and don't even let me have my opinion.

I guess I'm a bigot because I believe cheating on your spouse is wrong since the Bible clearly says it's wrong. Right?
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