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Old 02-22-2007, 01:18 AM
cliffy spuffy dreamer
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I watched as Carly came out of her daze. I continued to look at her, my eyes never once leaving hers. Concern swept over my features. I was concerned about her. I had a feeling that I should be concerned about her as well. That it was right for me to feel this way. That something was wrong. I was good at sensing it. Really good. That's what being stuck with Noah did to a person. You noticed things you rather not notice. You noticed the cover up's. You noticed the look and the same look that Noah always had on his face was now on Carly's. 'Who me? Yeah I'm perfect...Never been better' "Yeah...I can tell" I said to her, nodding my head slowly as I continued to look at her. There was a skeptical look on my face. It was clear. It was clear as day. I wasn't buying the act that she was trying to get me to buy. I could tell that something was wrong. I knew it. I could feel it. I watched as Carly plastered a fake smile on her face. I arched my eyebrow slightly, did she think that, the smile would make this any more believable? It didn't. I had to be patient with Carly if I ever expected anything out of her. I knew that. I couldn't get her open up to me, unless she wanted to. If I forced her to tell me, she would only close up even more. Carly would tell me in her own sweet time. I just had to be patient with her and well being patient was never my strongest suit. I was terrible at being patient but I had no other choice in the matter

Maybe apart of me didn't want to know. I couldn't help but feel that way. I really couldn't. It was a normal reaction. It really was but I would help Carly with whatever her latest issue was. I would help her if she let me in on it. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't help if she didn't let me in on what was bothering her. 'I was just thinking how it has been such a long time since I went out and just got hammered' I looked at her, pausing for a second before nodding my head. I wasn't sure what I should say to that. I wasn't sure if she should drink in her condition. Drinking didn't help anything. It made it worse but I was in no position to tell anyone on how to deal with their pain. I wasn't going to start now. Whatever worked, worked. Some people knit. Some people cooked a billion cupcakes and brownies. Some wrote. Some ate their problems away and some...some went out on a drinking binder and became so plastered they couldn't tell which direction the sky was in. Some couldn't even figure out what the sky even was

'You know so drunk that the next you don't remember a thing about what you did the night before....It's been ages, I can't even remember the last time I did something like that...Isn't that crazy? Don‘t you think that is just insane'

"Yeah...I guess" I said to her, nodding my head as I continued to look at her. Hearing her say that took me back to the old times back in college when life was nothing but a big party to me. I was only out to have fun. I took nothing to serious and basically partied it up all the time with my friends. Mostly Pete. He was into the same thing as well. Well Pete never really grew out of that, unlike me. I grew out of that stage in my life but it was still there. I knew how to down a couple of beers and have fun. That would never change. I didn't want that to change either. I wondered how I got through college at all. I guess my talent was just that good. It got me through all of my classes even when I barely attended them. I was to busy living it up..or what I thought was living at the time. I didn't know how wrong I was. I wasn't really living. I was doing something but it wasn't living. 'Well I’m going to put a stop to that right now…Yes you heard me correctly…I’m going to change that' "I'm sure you are" I said to her, continuing to nod my head as I looked at her. "Is this the part where I become scared?" I asked her, letting out a small laugh as I looked at her. I was partly joking..and partly serious but I was impossible to scare. I didn't scare that easily. I watched as Carly patted me on the shoulder before walking past me. I remained standing there for a few seconds, shaking my head slightly before turning back around to face her

I watched as Carly turned back around to face me. 'You know….If you weren’t such a' I watched as she started to say before drawling out an imaginary square in the air infront of her face. A small smile crossed over my face as I shook my head, letting out a small laugh. I knew Carly was joking. I wasn't to easily offended. I didn't get offended. I didn't take anything to serious, serious enough to get offended by it that was. It was familiar. I remembered seeing that movie with Uma Thurman and that guy from Grease. I barely remembered it, since I saw it a long time ago but I remembered that scene from it where Uma's character made a imaginary box using her fingers. It was a pretty funny scene in my opinion. "You obviously seen to many gangster movies" I said,letting out a small laugh. 'These days, maybe you would somehow end up there too' "You would like that, wouldn't you" I said to her, with a small grin on my face. I watched as Carly gave me one last look before beginning to head toward the nearest exit. Once Carly was no longer in sight, I turned back around before glancing at the clock on the wall. It was about twelve minutes pass the end of my shift. It was time for me to go. I turned back around before heading toward the locker room. I pushed the door open before walking over to my locker. I fiddled with the combination and after a while I finally got the locker door open. I slid the white jacket off before sliding the blue scrubs off as well. I pulled out my blue shirt before slipping it on over my head before tossing the scrubs into my locker. Once I was completely changed, I locked my locker before heading on out of the locker room

It didn't take me long to get to Jake's. I got to Jake's in no time. I paused for a second before getting out of the car, pressing the button to lock it as I began heading into the dark bar. I glanced around, it was a little crowded. It was the same people that usually came in here. I squinted my eyes, looking around before noticing Carly over by the jukebox. She was busy dancing to some song....or trying to. I couldn't help but notice the beefy guy close to her, trying to dance with her. He was practically on top of her and Carly was busy trying to fight him off her. I watched as she shoved him back, muttering something that I couldn't hear from this distance but as I expected the guy was right back on top of her, nearly straddling her. I shook my head before letting out a small laugh. It was that guy's funeral. I better get over there before Carly cracked his head against the jukebox. She would do that. I headed over toward Carly, not really knowing what I was going to do. I would think of that once I got there. First I had to deal with this. " I'm late. Got held up at work" I said, biting my tongue to keep from laughing. It was the best I could do. I draped my arm across Carly's shoulder, preventing her from continuing to dance. I could smell the alchohol pouring off her. I wondered how many drinks she had to drink already in such short time. I had to ask Coleman about that later but knowing him he probably wouldn't give me a straight answer. I moved Carly a little ways away from the guy, seperating them the best I could. I leaned over, kissing Carly's cheek briefly before pulling back. I couldn't help but get a whiff of Carly's vanilla shampoo as I went. I noticed the guy out of the corner of my eyes. I turned back around, pretending to be all shocked that he was there. I paused for a second and just blinked a couple of times before nodding my head at him. "This would be your cue..." I started to say, locking eyes with him. " leave" I said, giving him a small smile. I didn't know what he would do if he didn't but I would do something. I could fight..not that I really wanted to. I didn't want to risk my hands but I'd risk my hands before I risk a bruised ego or having to watch him be all over Carly. It was simple as that

I let out a relieved sigh, watching as the guy reluctantly walked off. My eyes followed him, watching as the big lump headed back over toward the bar. I bet he was probably trying to drown his sorrows. I let out a small laugh before returning my gase back to Carly. "You owe me big time for that" I said to her. "I'm expecting you to pay up eventually" I said to her, letting out a small laugh as I slid my arm away from her, allowing it to rest by my side as I continued to look at her
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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