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Old 06-30-2004, 03:40 AM
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Joined: Jun 2000
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Crossword Puzzle #5

1A. The first person to speak Vulcan in the series was __.
3A. Archer like's the sport of __.
8A. Archer visited a monastery in __.
10A. __ slept with Hoshi on Risa.
12A. Hoshi traded with Ensign __ for different quarters.
14A. Hoshi's mother wanted her to take __ lessons.
16A. The monestary Archer visited was located less specifically in __.
18A. Degra was going to name his third child __.
20A. There are __ decks on Enterprise.
23A. __ is a Suliban that kisses Archer.
24A. __ is Reed's mother.
29A. __ is Reed's sister.
30A. Tucker's great grandfather's name was __.
34A. After destroying the weapon, Archer was seen somewhere in a __ zone.
36A. __ kills Degra.
38A. __ discovered how to make procreation possible between Vulcans and Humans in a possible future timeline.
39A. __ is the man in charge of the Tandaran camp.
41A. Hoshi was __ years old when she had a penpal.
43A. Reed likes to read __.
44A. Hoshi had a penpal from __ when she was younger.
46A. Tucker's dog's name was __ when he was a kid.
47A. __ is Phlox's youngest son.

1D. __ are one of the founding members of the Federation.
2D. T'Pol was arranged to Marry __.
4D. The Xindi __ took Enterprise back to Earth after the spheres were destroyed.
5D. Phlox mentions liking Chinese __ soup.
6D. Tucker hates __ meat.
7D. T'Pol is __ when she finally tells Tucker how old she is.
9D. __ are one of the founding members of the Federation.
11D. Archer got the book from his father when he was __ years old.
13D. Tucker's favourite food is __.
15D. Archer's father gave him a(n) __ book when he was younger.
17D. __ Archer is the name of Captain archer's father.
19D. Zefram Cochrane gabe the commencement speech at __ many years ago.
20D. Phlox has __ beetles in his sickbay.
21D. __ are one of the founding members of the Federation.
22D. Archer was born in __.
25D. Mayweather enjoys __.
26D. Hoshi said the __ were going the wrong way.
27D. __ is one of Reed's Aunts.
28D. __ was one of Reed's ex-girlfriends.
31D. Archer was sentenced to life on __ by the Klingons.
32D. Archer had Porthos since he was __ weeks old.
33D. Reed puts __ on his pancakes.
35D. The Xindi council chamber is located in the home of the Xindi-__.
37D. __ are one of the founding members of the Federation.
40D. __ is Reed's father.
42D. Daniels shared cabin __ with another crewman.
45D. Archer's bloodtype is __.
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