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Old 02-16-2007, 11:46 AM
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Of course Faith and Gavin are working together, I should have known she'd find the most sadistic man in PC to mingle into one of her f/cked up plans. I wouldn't be surprised if she already planned with Dean as well, after all Dean and Gavin are somehow connected. 'Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Ric..' I ignore Faith, staying behind some furniture for cover while quickly reloading the bullets in my gun. "Screw you Faith! You should have never come back, now you really are going to wind up dead.' I yell back at her as I slowly stand up to try and get a look at where her and Gavin are hiding. 'You should have listened to me. None of this would have ever happened.' She stands up quickly, immeditaly shooting bullets my way, I watch as the bullets ricoche off the walls and other various items in the room. I move to the side, blocking for cover behind another wall as both of them take shots in my direction. When the sound of bullets shooting stop I carefully look out from the wall. 'This isn't the last you seen of can count on that' I hear Gavin say, causing me to turn my head in another direction. If it wasn't so god damn pitch black in here, this wouldn't be as hard...then again I am using it to my advantage. I'm not worried about Faith..I have too much vengence for her to ever be afraid of her in anyway, and I'm not neccesarily afraid of Gavin...but he is a very powerful man and he could have me killed very easily...He'd probably be a bastard about it too, sending a couple of him men after me. I won't let that happen...Elizabeth, Cameran, the baby, Molly, Kristina, everyone I care about...anyone that he would try to go after to get to me...I wouldn't let him, I'll put a bullet in his head before that happens....Maybe I should do something like that before he gets the chance. I move out from behind the wall, realizing Faith and Gavin have retreated down the hall. The sound of my heavy breathing, and soft cries are the only things that can be heard as I quickly move over towards Elizabeth, Alexis, and the baby. "Are you...are you oka--.." I cut myself out, immediately stopping in my tracks at the sight of blood all over the place. But Elizabeth just had a baby...somehow she had a baby here, of course there's coming to be blood... I slowly move my eyes up to see where the blood is coming from, my eyes widening at the sight of Alexis with bullet wounds all over her, blood seeping out of her. She's not dead...shes going to be okay, we just, we just need to get her to the hospital. I can barely hear Elizabeth as she tries to tell me what happened, all I can think about is Gavin and Faith...and how they're getting away with out even a scracth...I wanted them dead...I want them to pay for this...They've put Alexis in serious condition, and nearly took my child from me..and Faith...she's done so much more. "No...No.." I say shaking my head as I stare down at a woman I once loved, a woman I wish I could have given the world too..but just couldn't. "She's not..." I use my free hand to wipe my eyes before taking off in a sprint after Gavin.

I run down the hallways, with gun in hand ready to go after that selfish ruthless bastard. I knew Faith, once upon a time I knew her and I know this wasn't her work...I know she isn't the one that unloaded a gun into Alexis, it was was all Gavin. I slow down, trying to keep quiet at the sound of there voices up ahead. 'Hell of a day..' I carefully, quietly click back my gun while leaning behind a wall, so neither one of them can see me. 'We put up one hell of a good fight....that bitch is dead. That's worth a celebration in itself..' I grit my teet down hard, feeling my blood boiling at his vicious untrue words. No..Alexis is didn't...Elizabeth..she's a nurse...she'll save her, and if she can't we'll get her to the hospital...We'll get her there and save her....The girls can not lose their mother, I won't let them...I just have to put a bullet in this son of a b/itch first. 'We'll get that'll be easier then..with Alexis's might just be the thing that tears this town apart and brings it to it's knee's..' My eyes widen at the mention of a baby...Elizabeth's baby....Over my dead boy will they get their hands on that precious little boy, over my dead body will they ever come near any of my children....I don't care if this child doesn't have my blood, I'm still going to care for him and love him as if he is my own flesh and blood day in and day out. I'll be damned if I let Gavin anywhere near my children...Without waiting another second, I get ready to round the corner of the call. "You won't go near my family!" I yell angrily as I step foward holding the gun tightly in my hands. I stare at Gavin narrowing my eyes at him as he stares at me, giving me a look that says numerous things..but one thing in particular...You don't have the guts. You won't do it....I know he'd say anything he can to get under my skin, I won't give him a chance. Witout another though I pull back the trigger shooting a bullet right towards his chest, his heart....But something happens...something stops the bullet from hitting Gavin....and that something happens to be a blonde haired sadist I use to do buisness with. I watch almost in slow motion as Faith jumps in front of Gavin, taking the bullet and immediately falling backwards into his arms. She wasn't the one I was aiming for....but I don't feel remorse that the bullet hit her...I've wanted revenge on her for a very long time now....

"You'll stay away from Elizabeth, Alexis, all of them if you want keep your life..if not I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your f/cking head." I say through gritted teeth, my eyes darker than they ever been. I don't wait any longer before running back down the hallway in the direction of only two woman who ever had an affect on my heart. I know we're living on borrowed time...Alexis needs a hospital, she doesn't have much time. As I come upon them I fall down to the ground, immediately dropping my gun as my eyes fall onto the battered and bloody woman laying on the floor....A woman who changed my life in more ways than she ever knew. "Alexis..." I whisper, my voice soft and hoarse as tears begin shining in my eyes. "No...No..." She's too pale, her eyes aren't open, she's not.....she's not...she's not breathing. "NO! Alexis! Wake Up!" I cry out as I fall upon her lifeless body, my hands attempting to cover her bullet wounds...there's too many..too much blood, it keeps coming, its all over and I can't stop it. Tears begin flowing freely down my face as I raise my head from her body, and look to her face. I place my arms under her back, caressing her face as I cradle her body towards me. I can't control my emotions, I know I'm crying uncontrollably but I can't stop....I don't want to believe she's gone...that she's dead...The girls..they need their mother, they need their mother they can't...I...She's gone and she never knew how much she impacted my much I really did love much I wished I could have been the one for much I wished she could have been the one for me. I bury my head in her neck, holding her head in my hands as I hold onto her tightly. "I love you..." I whisper in a muffled voice, as I cry softly against her hair. I was too late....I didn't..I didn't get here in time....I didn't save her in time. I'm oblivious to everything going on around me, to lost in my own pain, sorrow, guilt, and regret as I cry over hear lifeless, pale body.

OOC-Noooooo Alexis!!!!
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side

Last edited by angel_wings05; 02-16-2007 at 12:04 PM
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