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Old 02-15-2007, 09:54 PM
cliffy spuffy dreamer
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'Darn, I guess I left my glasses at home'

"They won't help you being there, will they?" I said to her. "'s not like anything can help you now" I said to her, smirking as I shrugged. I had to admire the girl's fighting spirit. She sure was an entertaining one to say the lease. I wanted to stick around just to see how entertaining she could get with a few more bullets added into her perfectly shaped body. I couldn't help but notice. I was a guy, what can I say? I always notice. They both weren't to bad to look at. Not smart obviously but I had really no use for smart girls anyways. Camryn and Sophia..and well Faith were the smartest girls I ever met in my life. That was a big compliment from me. One that I never would admit to. It wasn't like I spouted off compliments on a daily basis. Not even to them. Compliments were like word vomit. Once it was out, it made your stomach burn. Not to mention the terrible, awful taste left in your mouth. The words floating around up in your head. It was just better to avoid that all together. At lease in my opinion, it was. It was cute that Alexis was standing up to me, and not begging and showing fear and being close to breaking out into tears like her little friend was. She probably thought I was someone else in this town..that I wouldn't act on my threats..that I was all talk. It was far from the truth. I talked and went through with what I said. I guess Alexis would realize that sooner then later. I wasn't all talk. Sometimes I didn't even bother with talking but it was no fun, dragging out the suspense before coming in for the kill was always so much better. It was like a rat caught under the paw of a cat. The cat batted it around, having fun with it for a while before finally going in for the kill. I'll let you guess who the rat is in this situation. It's not me

'Why are you after Lucky? He's a good man...he's not involved in the mob...he's nothing but a good man'

"AWWWW..that's sweet. Almost brings a tear to my eyes" I said, reaching up pretending to wipe away the nonexsist tears out of my eyes. "What makes you think I'll tell you anything?" I asked her. I wasn't going to tell her anything. That would take the fun out of it. I wasn't ready for Lucky to know or his little ex wife or anyone else in this town. I wasn't ready for any of them to know yet. I would know when it was the right time for that bomb to be dropped but right now it wasn't. I didn't have Lucky where I wanted him. Not even close

It was amusing to watch Elizabeth's face twist in all sorts of emotions once she saw her rival was not dead but very alive instead. It was like she was seeing a ghost. I expected that reaction out of Liz. I didn't know her that very well but she was starting to become predictable. It wasn't hard to map out her every move. It made my job easier, less fun but easier. Faith catched me up on all of the details and I had to admire Faith for her work. She was brilliant and that was putting it lightly. I wish I was there, around that time but I was around this time and I was going to make sure it counted. I would make sure Liz and Alexis remembered the name. Our name. Me and Faith's. I was going to make sure they remembered this moment for the rest of their lives, how ever long I decided that would be. 'Not this time,Faith.You are not taking my child away from me.Not this time.You were lucky that Ric and I didn't know what you did last time.You are going to pay for what you did' "You might want to reconsider that statement because well who here has the gun and who doesn't?" I said, glancing around briefly before looking at her. "I don't think your the one calling the shots here" I said, shrugging. 'You won't take my son from me.Never' "Just watch us. It'll teach you to never say never" I said to her, smirking. There was always a possibility. Always, especially when dealing with Gavin Spencer. I made myself my own possibilities

'Then I guess I die. Elizabeth won’t sacrifice her child and I wouldn’t want her to'

I turned my attention back to the bleeding woman on the floor before arching an eyebrow slightly. "Very noble of you" I said to her. "Your willing to die for the woman who stole your husband and her brat? That's very moving...stupid..but moving" I said to her, nothing like reopening old scars and pouring salt into the fresh open wound. 'Oh, that’s right. That class was so popular there' "I bet it was" I said to her. She could deliver, even with two bullets in her. I wonder if she could continue delivering with some more lodged in her. We had all the time in the world for that

'You sick, sadistic freak'

"Awww thank you. I try. I'm glad to see my efforts are not in vain" I said to her, nodding my head as I continued to smirk at her. It was the truth. So many people tried to be a hero. Being a hero was overrated. I watched as Alexis shot up. Fire burning bright in her eyes. 'You can go to hell' "I'll be taking you with me, bitch" I said to her through clenched teeth. I watched as Alexis lunged at me. I pointed my gun at her and was just about to pull the trigger but it was to late. I was knocked down to the ground. I could hear the gun going off to the side but not making a direct hit with her, unfortunately. I landed on my back, hitting the back of my head hard on the ground. I paused for a second before shaking my head as I began searching blindly for my gun. Where the hell was it? Oh, the bitch was going to die for that. My sight came back to me a second later as I watched Alexis grab onto Faith from behind. Faith tried to struggle against Alexis. She was trying to get the woman off her back. I watched as Alexis hollered at Liz to go. I wanted to do something to keep Liz here but my main concern was Alexis. I wanted Alexis dead. I underestimated her but I wouldn't make that mistake again. The first time it's their fault, the second time it's yours. I wasn't going to let there be a second time. Her end was coming up now. I finally found the gun a little ways away from me. I scrambled towards it before pointing the gun at the two girls still struggling against each other. I bit my lip, narrowing my eyes on the two of them. I didn't want to make a mistake and hit Faith. Everyone was expendable in my world or should be but I couldn't take that chance. My brain wouldn't make that connection with my finger even though every other part of me screamed to just pull the damn trigger and take my chances. I was all about taking chances. There was no other way to live life without taking chances but I wasn't going to risk it. Not with Faith's life. I wasn't going to make that mistake. I wasn't going to gamble with Faith's life

'I can't'

I smiled slighly before spitting the access blood out of my mouth. I reached up, wiping my mouth off with the back of my hand before looking back at Liz. "Your gonna pay for that..and your friend's stupidity. You can thank her for that. She just cost you,your life. I was going to be easy on the both of you and make your death's painless but not now. Now your going to feel every second of it. Every fucking second" I said, as I pulled myself up into a standing position. "Let her go" I said speaking of Faith before raising the gun. "Or I'll blow your fucking head off and your girls...I'll find them and make them pay too" I said. I watched as Elizabeth grabbed the gun that fell out of Faith's hand. I pointed the gun at the baby in her arms. "Don't even think about it" I said to her, my eyes burning into hers. "Shame, shame you can watch your friend die first. Not how I planned it but it's always fun dealing with changes" I said to her. I was just about to pull the trigger on Elizabeth when other shots filled my ears. I felt myself tense up. It wasn't Elizabeth's gun going off. It was gun shots from behind the distance. I bit my lip, not allowing myself to look behind me. I had to deal with the situation at hand

I watched as the commotion caught Alexis off guard. That gave Faith the time she needed to escape. I watched as Faith elbowed Alexis hard in the stomach before getting free of her grasp. I watched as Faith lunged forward at Elizabeth. I turned my attention back to Alexis and was just about to move in for the kill. I ignored Faith telling me to go. I wasn't going to leave Faith behind. I wasn't going to leave the job unfinished but most of all, I wasn't going to leave Faith behind. I raised my gun and was about to shoot Alexis in the back of the head but stopped once another shot fired out, this time shooting out the light above us. The whole small room flooded with darkness. I felt myself lower to the ground as bullets wizzed by me. It was safer to remain on the ground. I could still hear struggles up above in the air. "Faith. Get down" I hollered at her. Who knew it might be Jason..or Sonny..or Lucky..or one of those hero's who were more laughable then anything else. Who ever heard of a mob boss and a hitman with a heart of gold? It was a joke. A complete joke.I'm suprised nobody killed them sooner

Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding me, I spotted a figure moving in the darkness. I narrowed my eyes on that figure, watching as it approached. I could the sound of his gun going off in the distance. I scrambled up before running behind some fallen object. It would cover me well. I pressed my back up against it as I checked in my gun to see how many bullets I had left. Just two. I had to make them count. I pulled myself up, over the cover, quietly. The air was still, no bullets flying. I glanced around, before spotting Alexis struggling up. I smirked slightly before raising my gun up. I pointed it directly at her before loading the rest of my chamber in her. I watched as Alexis struggled for a second before her body finally gave up, falling back down onto the ground with a hard thud. A satisfied smile crossed my features as I lowered myself back down onto the ground, crawling away from that rock to another. I had to continue to move. I had to continue getting closer to the exit. I couldn't remain in the same spot. The gun sounding off located where I was. A second later, I could hear stray bullets hit my previous hiding place. I let out a small laugh as I pressed my back tighter against the rock I was hiding behind. I watched as the secondary back up lights began to flicker on, filling the room with light. It made it even more difficult now, getting out of this alive but I was always up for a challenge. I couldn't be defeated anyways. It was impossible. I experianced a few close calls in my life but I was invincible. I planned on continuing to be that way. I could hear Elizabeth's desperate cries. I licked the dry blood off my lips before raising myself up, noticing Elizabeth grip on the gun that was now pointing directly at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, glancing at the gun before looking at her. Was this how I was going to end? Would I end this way? Hell fucking no. I wasn't going out like this. I didn't plan on letting a woman who just gave birth be the one that took me out. Hell no. I looked down at my gun, regretting the fact that I used up all my bullets. I should have at lease saved a one for her. It was the lease I could do. I looked back up at Elizabeth before letting out a small laugh, showing no sign of fear. I refused. She was showing more fear then I was. I wasn't scared. Death didn't scare me

"Do it. Pull the fucking trigger..but it won't be enough to stop can bet your child's life on that" I said to her, letting out a small breath of air before smirking. My eyes remained locked on her. "You don't have what it takes" I said to her. "You can't kill me" I said to her, apart of me taking great pleasure in knowing that. I could hear the sound of another gun going off in the distance. I watched as Elizabeth dropped down instantly, covering up her baby, protecting it

I heard another voice..this time a male's. He sounded familiar. I narrowed my eyes, knowing that I heard that voice from some where before. I couldn't put a face or a name to the voice but I knew that voice. 'Stay down…whatever you do stay down, I will protect you from them' "Like hell you will. It's a little to late for that" I hollered out. I could hear Faith's voice a second later, responding to the other guy in the room. Ric. It was Ric. Ric Lansing. Sonny's little brother. I did my research on him too. I knew everything there was to no about the reformed bad guy. What a shame. "This isn't the last you seen of can count on that" I said, bolting right up as I started walking fast toward the quickest exit. I wasn't even allowing myself to think about getting shot. I could get shot. I could very well get shot but I had to get out of here. I couldn't stay here any longer. It was a chance that I had to take. Anyways Ric was not even in the room yet. He was in the hall and Elizabeth was to busy dealing with her baby and a dead Alexis. I stopped half way down the hall before remembering about Faith. "Dammit" I muttered under my breath before turning back around. I couldn't leave without her. We were in this together. I would have to go back in there for her but thankfully I spotted the blonde coming down the hall way with me

I couldn't help but notice the defeated look on her face. We didn't leave with what we said we would leave with and that was the baby. We did a lot of good. Alexis was dead but the job was still unfinished. There was no chance of finishing the job out numbered with only one gun in use. It was better to walk away now when you still could. We still had plenty of time to get that baby. We would. We would get that baby later but not right now. Right now it was to risky. It was better if we walked away with our lives. Some people couldn't and that made me happy enough. I had a feeling that this would start a whole chain reaction. It just wouldn't hurt Alexis. Her death wouldn't just change her life but others that I had no use for as well. Elizabeth. Ric. Sonny. Zander. Dean. Nikolas. Kristina. Molly. The list was longer then that but those were the only names that popped up. That's why I couldn't let Dean into the plan. It was hush hush around him. I knew he would try to stop it. He was connected to Alexis. They bonded or some shit like that. It was his own mistake..getting a little to cozy with the enemy. It was stupid of him. A stupid move on his part. I had a feeling that Alexis wasn't the only thing that could make Dean stray but that blonde as well, Courtney. I would take care of her too. She was on my list and if Dean got in the way of what had to be done, I would just take care of him to. End of story

Once we rounded the corner and were a good enough safe distance away from them. I stopped leaning my back against the wall. I wiped some dirt off my chin before allowing myself to catch my breath. "Hell of a day" I said, once I got enough breath. I looked up at her before straightening myself up against the wall. "We put up one hell of a good fight....that bitch is dead. That's worth a celebration in itself" I said. She died and we lived to fight another day. It was to late for her salvation. She would have already lost to much blood with four bullet wounds. "We'll get that'll be easier then..with Alexis's might just be the thing that tears this town apart and brings it to it's knee's" I said, smirking. There was no nothing..complete havoc around town. I couldn't wait to see this spread. It would be entertaining to say the lease and even greater to know we were behind it. We were the cause of it. I took pride in knowing that
I am damaged at best
I'm falling apart, I'm barely breathing
With a broken heart that's still beating
In the pain there is healing
In your name I find meaning
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