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Old 02-07-2007, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Emma_Jane (View Post)
I just finished watching it, and to me it was kind of a let down on a whole... but again my expectations were way to high. I enjoyed the fact that LL had a scene together (albeit for only mere seconds,) but apart from that, the whole episode felt rather cold.
If you just compare s1 hospital episode to this one... it pales in comparison. Not that I wanted to see the same thing again, but just the level of emotion could've been way more substantial.

As for Luke turning up at the hospital, to me it worked. How he said he basically went on auto-pilot and just ended up at the hospital, but then thought he'd be in the way or cause trouble between Lorelai and Chris, so he was just going to go, that's why I love Luke. He wasn't there with any ulterior motives (which can't really be said for Chris a lot of the time,) he just wanted to make sure everyone was ok, and that they didn't need anything, because that's who he is. He goes out of his way to help people and fix things, and as Jess said (although I don't agree,) it may not always be wanted help... but his intentions are *always* right.

My favourite part of the whole episode was probably the last scene where you see Luke dropping off the food you hear him say "Make sure they get it" before Lorelai walks over to him. He was just going to leave them 3 bags of food and quietly slip out... that just makes me love Luke more. He's not looking for people to shower him with their gratitude, he simply cares enough about these people to know that they'd appreciate that food, and then he was on his way.
Good on him for looking Chris straight in the eye and walking away.

So, this season is just making me love Luke more and more... when can the Lorelai love start again? Seriously, I want to love Lorelai again... I really do, but they're not making it easy.
I also think it was a let down. I mean it wasn't supposed to be your most upbeat episode but lately that's all the show has been is sad and sappy. I loved seeing Michel and Babette again but overall just bored with the whole episode. The scenes btw Rory and Logan were boring. The scenes with Emily and Lorelai were yawning...I really was hoping for her to lean in and finally embrace her mother but instead she handed her tissues!

And then the previews for next week had me in tears. I am really starting to feel bad for Lorelai bc she is so lost but at the same time I need the upbeat GG back! I am tired of being bored and tired of being sad. I loved Santa's Secret Stuff bc it brought back the whole reason why I love this show.

I can say that I am glad that it's finally starting to come to a conclusion with the Chris and Lorelai triangle but how many more weeks of mopey lorelai are we going to have?

And I couldn't believe how incredibly rude Chris was to Luke at the end I wanted to jump through the screen and tear his head off LOL! I can't stand his "me me me" attitude. He is so self centered.

Anyways, I overall thought it was an okay show. But I am ready for the laughter of GG again.
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