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Old 01-22-2007, 06:26 PM
Passionate Fan

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Thanks for the new thread!

Okay, I'm sorry, Summer. For the most part, I respect your posts and see your point, but not this time. I just feel you're reaching too far.

In all reality, though, the base reason for Nathan almost dying (and that's melodramatic as he was released from the hospital almost immediately) is he chose to jump. The base reason is that he saw a car go over a bridge and plunge into the water, and he chose to jump in after it and get himself stuck in the car. Rachel didn't exactly call out for help. Nathan was being a good samaritan, and unfortunately, they often die. There's all those cases of people getting stuck in riptides and the person who goes out to get them doesn't survive. Does that make it the person who went in the water in the first place's fault? After all, there usually are rip tide warnings, and you "shouldn't" be swimming in the water if you don't know to swim with and then sideways from the tide. However, that doesn't make the person any less of a victim because they made a bad choice.

If you want to put blame on someone, but it on Cooper, who knowingly got Rachel's hopes up by sleeping with her after finding out how old she was. Hell, put it on Haley for allowing Nathan to jump in in the first place. Or put it where it really belongs- on Nathan. It was a conscious decision on his part to jump into the water, and Haley's selfish to blame Nathan's decision on someone else. Rachel didn't ask for the car to crash or to almost drown, and she certainly didn't ask for Nathan to jump in after her and then not know how to handle the situation.

Or once again, blame it on Haley. As people have pointed out repeatedly, Rachel wasn't an invited guest (although is that even true, because I remember her playing with her place card...). Haley could've demanded Rachel leave before she got to that point of intoxication.

Of course, it wasn't actually Haley's fault. It was either an accident or a multiple causation tragedy, but there's no way to place all the blame on Rachel. That's almost as absurd as blaming her for Keith dying because she released the time capsule. She was one part in a much bigger scheme..
Regardless of whether or not Nathan had jumped in, their wedding day would have been ruined. They would have missed their honeymoon and both Cooper and Rachel would have died, and then Nathan would have had to live with the idea that he could have done something for the rest of his life.

And no one is responsible for Rachel's actions but Rachel. Those examples of who else to blame... no, I'm not going to blame Nathan almost dying on the fact that he's a good person and loves his uncle. Cooper may have gotten her hopes up, but he was pretty damn reasonable in the car, explaining things to her, and she is still the one that pulled on the wheel. And that last one? Rachel, invited or not, was the least of her concerns on her wedding day, and since I believe it was Brooke that invited her, I doubt Haley would have given her a second thought. Was she supposed to stop the ceremony when she saw Rachel, and ask her to leave?

No one is responsible for Rachel's actions but Rachel, and it doesn't matter that Rachel didn't mean for the limo to go over the bridge. The base of it all is still that she got wasted and caused that chain of reactions. Her actions hurt a lot of people, and intentional or not, she is the one to blame.

The idea that violence is ever justified has a history of turning into... that. And actually people are debating whether or not violence is okay by saying Rachel "deserves" it... that's what the last few pages are.
Haley has a right to her anger as Rachel has been nothing but this huge negative force in her life. I won't say that Haley is right to slap her, but I'll won't condemn her for this either. Sometimes people do things that aren't right. It makes them human. So, I'm sorry. Maybe its better to just agree to disagree, but I won't condemn her and I will enjoy watching it happen.
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