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Old 01-08-2007, 07:14 AM
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I really just want to see Lorelai coming to work on their friendship again. That's not to say I don't want them as a couple again, I do. But right now the biggest element missing is the friendship. If they can get that worked out, then they can fix anything after that. They both need to remember what each other meant to one another. We know Lorelai does with her letter and epiphany. We don't know when Luke remembers/realizes. Something has to initiate that feeling again for him as well. And the only way that can happen is if Lorelai proves her devotion to him. At first simply as a friend. She's done it slowly by being there at the hospital and now with writing the letter. It could be that LL are realizing the same things at the same time through the same motions. They could very well be on the same page and not know it. Hopefully they are evolving at the same time and their reconciliation won't be far off.

If this doesn't make any sense, I apologize. My head is still one major foggy mess.
Lorelai: So you forfeit? Cuz, that's how it goes. If you don't play the game, then you forfeit.
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