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Old 03-16-2004, 03:08 PM
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T70S: J/H Spoilers/Specs #16

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] That '70s Show: Jackie/Hyde Spoilers & Speculation [img]smilies/star.gif[/img]
(main t7s spoiler thread here.)


#619 Substitute (April 21)
#620 Squeezebox (April 28)
#621 5:15
#622 My Wife
#623 Unknown Title
#624 Unknown Title
#625 The Seeker


[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #619 Substitute

from: twinkletams

* the boys hang out at miniature golf and find out that mitch played
by SETH GREEN works there. mitch and eric exchange bitter banter
towards each other. eric decides to whack the golfball as it bounces
off the windmill to hit mitch in the head. mitch is hospitalized and
eric feels bad. he tells him that he is welcome to hang out at the

later, the boys walk in the basement to find mitch hanging out and
playing with eric's darth vader with green light sword. the girls
walk in and mitch is taken aback by donna's beauty. in the 360 circle
they all play truth or dare and jackie tells hyde, "okay, steven,
truth or dare? the truth will be whether or not you love me, and the
dare will be telling me you love me." hyde says, "okay, pass." mitch
steals a kiss on donna.

mitch is now often at the forman's house like he took over. eric
finds his darth vader missing and blames mitch for stealing it. mitch
walks out of the kitchen so sad. we end up finding out that kitty
found it in the tub when eric was playing with it. eric apologizes to
mitch and told him he could hang out with them whenever. mitch can't
wait to pursue donna even after eric tells him she's his fiancee.

* BROOKE SHIELDS also gueststars as pamela burkhart. she takes jackie
shopping with bob's mastercharge. bob announces that he is taking
donna, jackie, kitty, red, and pamela out to dinner that night
because he has a big surprise. later that evening, they are all
seated around a benihana-type table at a karate fish restaurant. bob
announces that he is grateful that everyone is there to celebrate
this very special time with a very special lady. he asks pamela to
move in with him. donna and jackie are surprised. an even bigger
surprise was when pamela told him that she's sorry but she's actually
seeing someone else! bob is heartbroken.

donna and jackie talk. donna looks at jackie and notices how she
doesn't sound like she feels bad. jackie points out that they both
didn't want their parents together, but donna shares that bob is the
very same guy that let jackie move in after her parents took off and
had no place else to go. donna adds, "and you know your mom is wrong
and that she hurt my dad who's never been anything but nice to you!
how can you defend her?" later jackie finds her mom at the bar and
confides in her. even though pamela is seeing a lincoln dealer to
jackie's delight, jackie puts her mom in her place and tells her that
bob is a good person.

at the end, bob, red, kitty, donna, and jackie are at the karate fish
restaurant again and pamela walks in. she says she had been doing
some thinking, and realized her priorities are a little mixed up. she
wants to move in with bob. bob tells donna that pamela makes him

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #620 Squeezebox

from: twinkletams

* brooke shields as pamela burkhart guest stars again! everyone helps
her move into bob's house. red and hyde are dropping off the boxes
and open the door.... pamela is naked right in front of them and she
says, "hi boys!" red and hyde are shocked. they try to hide it
from kitty. in the afternoon, bob and pamela walk into the forman
kitchen where kitty, red, jackie and hyde are eating. pamela touches
steven on the shoulder and he jumps. she says, "steven you're so
tense." hyde is nervous and jackie states,"of course he's tense, mom.
you're the one who taught me if your man's not tense when you walk in
the room, you're doing something wrong." bob slips and tells kitty
and jackie that red and hyde saw pamela naked. kitty and jackie are
furious. jackie cannot believe that hyde didn't tell her right away.
hyde asks jackie, "what, so every time i see another woman's breasts
i'm supposed to tell you?.... now i know." later, kitty and jackie go
to pamela's room to tell her that she should cover up but they find
BOB naked and then they freak out.

* seth green as mitch guest stars too! at the beginning of the epi,
donna and eric are at the movies. there is this pretty blonde girl
who walks by and says hi to eric. eric nervously says hi and donna
asks who she is. eric says he doesn't know. it's hard for the both of
them to keep their hands to themselves even though they've agreed to
remain abstinent. later mitch is down in the basement and tells the
whole gang that eric was talking to the pretty blonde girl over the
phone. donna can't believe that he lied. eric supposedly went out on
a couple of dates with the girl when donna was seeing kelso's
brother. he tells her she meant nothing to him and shows her what he
did the whole time... build all these models of star wars toys. donna
calls him her nerdy horny boy. mitch is bummed that they got back
together just like that. he wanted to be donna's boy toy.

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #621 5:15

Guest stars
Rachel Bilson as Christy
Shannon Elizabeth as Brooke
Seth Green as Mitch

Synopsis: Mitch invites Donna to go with him to his brother's wedding; Fez pretends to be rich to impress a woman; Red gets cable installed.

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #622 My Wife

from: Jess Gleason & The Almighty Tallest

"I was at this taping. Not a whole lot of Jackie/Hyde moments because the
guys/girls were seperated for most of it. There was a moment where she was
stealing money out of his wallet so he couldn't pay for the strippers and
when Kelso asks Jackie and Donna if they want to strip for them- Hyde gives
Jackie a really cute look (she's sitting on his lap).
It was a really funny episode though-- their 150th!~ Luke Wilson guest
starred and signed autographs at the end."


"Donna surprises Eric by buying them a trailer home. The whole gang goes to check it out and you get that very funny part about Fez having to use the tiny bathroom. He makes everyone sing- "A Good Ship Lollipop" so that they won't hear him.
Eric is really disappointed that Donna wants to settle down in Point Place knowing that her dream was to travel.

I told you about the scene in basement before the guys take Eric out. Jackie is taking the single dollars out of Hyde's wallet. She then sits on his lap. There is also a cute look that he gives her when Kelso asks if the girls want to strip for them.

Kitty plans Donna's bachlorette party and has Jackie over to make crafts for the wedding. Jackie becomes disappointed so the girls leave Red and Bob to do the work while they go out to a bar.

The guys take Eric to a strip club where he meets Sunshine who he learns is a struggling mom. Fez loves the strip club and can't believe he has never been.

The girls run into Casey Kelso (Luke Wilson) who is working as an announcer the "Chip and Dale" type place. Kitty and Jackie get very into the dancers and Kitty is estatic to see Casey. Donna gets drunk and admits to Casey that she doesn't want to settle in Point Place and that there are things she still wants to do. Casey end up taking Kitty home

Eric that night has a dream of their life in 5 years when Donna leaves him. That she while she loves him, it is not enough to make her stay. He is interrupted with Casey comes into his room with a sleeping bag.

I would say from the end of the episode that Donna and Eric won't be getting married anytime soon. Both are having doubts at their future in Point Place."

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #623 Unknown Title

*march 5th taping, no spoilers..

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #624 Unknown Title

*march 29th taping, no spoilers..

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] #625 The Seeker

from: kwalker5996

The opening scene is Kitty on the phone and Red sitting at the Kitchen table. Kitty says to Red that Cousin Alice want to know why the wedding is off. red tells her to just tell what Her son did which Kitty replies Oh now he's my son. Kitty gets back on the phone to say that the wedding was off because Eric is gay. Bob and Pam walk in and Bob calls Eric a mental midget and says he runs like a girl. red says "Bob, you run like a girl." Bob tells Red Only when I'm scared of some one. Pam tries to defend Eric by saying that she's sure he has a good excuse because she always had one when she was suppose to show to get married and didn't. Bob says he's just mad because his little girl is hurting and he just wants to punch somebody. Kitty tells him that she's known him for a long time and that what he really wants is a piece of cake. He eventually goes with the cake.

Next scene Basement Jackie, Hyde, Fez,Donna and Kelso

Jackie gets off the phone saying Donnas on her way over and she knows they know why Eric left and Donna wants some answers. Hyde than says that he's not going to tell her because when Donna gets bad news she hits and that she wasn't on the boys JV wrestling team for nothing. Jackie says she's not going to tell her because the last person a girl wants to hear bad news from is from another girl who has everything. Kelso than says to count him out because he won't face a girl when he ditches her he's not gonna do it when someone else does. Fez says he's not telling her because he doesn't want his personal parts damaged and they are practically brand new. Hyde replies in a deadlock such as this we are forced to go by judicial code which states that in delivering bad news about a cancelled wedding that the foriegner has to do it. kelso calls it the Immigration Conversation act.

Donna than enters pissed off and Kelso,Hyde and Jackie take a step back leaving Fez in front of Donna by him self. He starts to explain why Eric ran off and in the middle of his sentence hebends down and puts the Stupid Helmet ( The Packers Helmet) on and explains Eric didn't want her to give up her dream of being a bll breaking feminist and then he quickley takes a step back. Jackie pushes him back forward and Fez pushes her back leading to a little pushing patch that Hyde breaks up saying to knock it off before Fez gets hurt.

Next scene was Pre shot. Donna and Hyde at the Water Tower.

They are talking about Eric and Donna says the only good thing is there is now arumor going around that he's gay. hyde tries to tell her that Eric was trying to do the right thing he just did it the wrong way. Donna goes ont o say that she called her mom and all she did was cry. hyde said he can't really see donn acrying. He seen Foreman cry, he then does the fake crying rubbing his eyes and saying Shut up I'm not crying, which makes Donna laugh. Donna tells Hyde to stop making her laugh because she wants to be mad. Then she pushes Hyde playfully and he falls off the Water tower. She than says Why am I stronger than all the guys I hang out with?

Next scene Hospital
Donna, Kelso, Hyde, Jackie, Fez, and Kitty.

Hyde is sitting in the hospital bed with a neck brae on and Kelso and fez are sitting next to him. fez tells him he looks dorky and Kelso starts laughing saying Yeah Dorky. Hyde tells Kelso to laugh now but one day he's going to wake up with no eyebrows. kelso replies Not if I shave them off first. Donna then comes up saying that she is sorry that she doesn't know her own strength and she must still be bulked up from JV wrestling.. then she says it's not her fault but eric's for leaving.
Fez tells donna to look on the bright side he can now spy on her in Eric's old room instead of the tree which had no room for his juice box.
Kitty comes up to say that Hyde has the thinnest file she's ever seen. there is record from when he was born than nothing. He says that he doesnt like to be in the system. One minute your in for a Tetnus Shot the next your fighting some illegal war in Cambodia. Kelso goes onto say he can't believe he missed hyde falling off the water tower.

Jackie then comes running in with flowers saying she just heard what happened and Hyde says (in his disgusted voice) "You brought me flowers?" Jackie says no they were for her. Her boyfriend just fell off the water tower. She than looks at Donna and asks if since Donna was now alone did she want Jackie to be alone too. Donna asks Jackie if she thinks she hurt Hyde on purpose. Jackie says Well that's what I would have done.

Kitty then come in and tells hyde to go on home and she will take care o him later. She offers to trade a lollipop for a kiss and Hyde says I don't need that baby crap and starts to follow everyone else out the door. As soon as everyone else gats out the door hyde turns around and gives Kitty a kiss on the cheek and grabs the sucker ( they better not cut that scene it was too cute!!)

Pinciotti Kitchen
Donna Kelso Hyde and Fez

Fez is standing in front of all of the wedding food admiring it. He picks up a pizza roll and says Do you Fez take this pizza roll then eats it. Kelso than looks at Hyde and tells him that his favorite part about falling off the water tower was right after you fall till you hit the ground because it's kinda like flying. Hyde says yeah and your body vibrates after you hit the ground. Kelso says they should try a flip next time. theres a knock at the door and Donna gets up to answer the door looking at them in disbelief saying that Erics gone and she's stuck with the Flying Stupid-ass-insky Brothers. Donna answers the door and finds Midge standing there!!! (YES MIDGE IS BACK!!!!!YAY!!!!!) Donna hugs her mom and when the guys see it's Midge they all get excited and surround her trying to hug on her saying how soft she is. Kelso finally pushes Donna out of her way telling her to stop hogging her.

Foreman Kitchen
Red and Kitty

Kitty comes into the kitchen telling Red theres something she knows that he doesn't. She finally tells Red that she was looking thru Stevens file and found his birth certificate and the man listed as his father was not Bud but some guy named William Barnett (interesting story twist I never thought i'd see). Kitty says that Maybe Steven has a nice father, a sober father, but hopefully not to sober because you know how those people are.

Pinciotti Kitchen
Donna, Kelso, Hyde, Jackie, Fez, Bob Pam, and Midge

Donna tells her mom how happy she is that she's there. All the guys are acting like their typical selves (acting like guys) and drooling over her. Jackie walks in sayin Steven you're late where have you been, than notices Midge. Jackie looks at Midge and says she surprised to see her and as she's taking off a pair of earrings says to midge that she should probably return the earrings that she didn't realize were hers. At that time Bob and Pam enter the kitchen. Bob asks midge what she's doing there and Midge says she came to see Donna than looks over at Pam and asks Who's the Amazon. Bob says this is just a friend. pam ssays a friend? I don't think so I'm the best thing that ever happened to him. Midge than says she's the second best thing that happened to him.

Foreman Kitchen
Red Kitty Jackie and Hyde

Kitty tells Hyde that she needs to talk to him about something. Hyde says whatever you found in my roon was planted. Red asks whats in his room and Kitty tells Red to stay focused which hyde replies yeah stay focused! Red tells hyde that for the record he told kitty to mind her own business and she said fine make your own dinner so here we are.
Kitty tells Red that she clearly failed with Eric and she's cutting her losses and moving on with this one. She goes on to tell him that his real fathers name is William Burnett and he lives in Milwaukee. Jackie gets all excited and tells hyde That he has a whole other family which is great because she hates his family. She says I mean your mom yuck! Hyde tells her that his mom is still his mom and she just looks at him and says she stands by her statement.
Kitty says that she knows that he is felling alot of emotion and maybe he wants to cry. If he does no one willtell. red says I'll tell and Jackie agrees saying she doesn't like guys who cry. Kitty asks Hyde if he's ok and he says he really doesn't care. and walks out with Jackie following close behind saying he has to care because he could be a doctor or the owner of the Love Boat

The next day Jackie and Kitty are sitting at the kitchen table. jackie says that after they left Steven didn't want to talk about it and he wasn't not talking about it to be bitchy like her he really didn't want to talk about it. Kitty says she doesn't like the way he just left and Red says it's because he's a man. and they all need to stay out of his business.
Hyde walks in wearing a jacket and tie. Jackie looks up at him and says You're all dressed up, Are you going to propose. hyde looks at her and says no he was thinking about driving to Milwaukee.
Red notices that he obviously didn't want go by himself says that they were just talking about going to get some of their famous honeybuns. Kitty says that shes in the mood for honeybuns and to see baby go home to daddy.

Foreman Driveway
Bob Kelso and Fez

The guys are standing by the car talking about Pam and Midge and kelso tells Bob he has a chance at something only rock stars get. Fez says free passes to Disneyland. Kelso says no 2 ladies. Fez says screw Disneyland that rides more fun. Kelso tells Bob that he knows from experience that two ladies the end won't be pretty but the ride down is fun.

Pinciotti Kitchen

Donna and Midge are talking about Eric. Donna says he really blew it and she doesn't know if she could forgive him. She says she want to shove his face in the dirt like when they were kids and she should have never stopped doing that. Midge says she should forgive Eric and that she was too hard headed toforgive bob and she wisshes she had. At the same time Bob enters and hears this asks Midge if she wants to go for a walk and she answers sure I'll drive.

Office reception area
Hyde Jackie Kitty and Red

Red is sitting in a chair and Jackie, Hyde and Kitty are sitting on the couch. Kitty and Jackie are touching and petting Hyde asking if he'as OK and this is a big day. Jackie says Yeah a big day for my big guy huh(too cute)Kitty asks how he's doing and he says fine and Jackie says You doing alright baby(sweet). By now Hydes had enough and gets up and says alright,stop! Red tells him to settle down it's not his parole office.hyde walks away.
the receptionist says that Mr. Barnett will see them now and Kitty gets up all excited and hands Jackie a camera and tells her to get a picture of Steven as sson as he sees his father and if he cries and she misses it she will hurt her>
they llok around and notice Hyde is gone. Red says he saw him go and didn't say anything on purpose and that they should all just leave and pulls Kitty out.

Donnas Bedroom (preshot)

Donna is asleep on her bed when Eric walks in thru the window and wakes her up. She starts beating him with a book until she realizes it's him. than she starts beating him again. She finally stops hitting him and yells at him asking where he went. He said he was sorry and freaked out cause he knew they were making a big mistake. She said she agreed she had a bad feeling too but the difference was she stayed. He said he was sorry and he would do anything she wanted. She said her mom said she should forgive him but she wasn't so sure. she than tells Eric to get into bed and they will figure it out in the morning. than Fez walks out of Donnas closet and says that was beautiful and walks out of the room.

Tag Scene

Next morning shows Eric and Donna in bed together than goes up to show Bob standing over them and starts squirting Eric with the water bottle. Eric looks at Bob and Bob hands him a bill saying that it was for the wedding he didn't show up to. Eric looks at it and says $6000. Bob says I added an extra thousand for pain and suffering. Bob looks at Donna and Says buy yourself something and Donna looks at him and says Thanks Daddy! Bob says I suggest you buy yourself a new boyfriend and squirts Eric with the water again.

The end.

[ 04-14-2004: Message edited themindzi ]
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