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Old 12-17-2006, 12:33 AM
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Originally Posted by lilmelodie (View Post)
Oh, I agree. I don't really care that Luke figured out that Rory was a cool kid because of Lorelai. I think the problem some people have due to their dislike of Luke is that Rory cold possibly have fond memories of Luke and maybe even still think he's an okay guy. I'm not someone who thinks that there was some father/daughter bond. But I also don't think that Rory has just forgotten everything that Luke ever did for her and Lorelai just because she went away to school and he and her mom broke up.
But that's not the point. As I said earlier (although maybe not clearly enough) the only people who are saying this is a negative thing about Luke are the ones who are arguing it's not true. I personally have no dislike of Luke. And I don't think Sandlynn is a Luke-hater either. But that doesn't mean we have to worship at the alter of saint Luke.

Yes, Luke has had an impact on Rory. But saying that he was like a father to her would be a rewrite of history. (I realize you're not saying that, but the reason this was brought up was a spec/fear that the WRITERS through Lorelai's letter would say that.)
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