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Old 12-16-2006, 07:58 AM
Master Fan

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Joined: Aug 2001
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Whoa, it's like the attack of the 4-kid families! You definitely had a crazy week. I'm sorry to hear about your family friend. Have fun at the wedding - I hope you are able to find the place okay. LOL at the fake Christmas dinner! Don't eat too much imaginary food.

Ari is pronounced Are-ee. So many people mispronounce it as Air-ee though. Worse yet is when they call him Air-ee Heist. It sucks when the people doing the marquee at venues put that extra I in his last name. On the times when we've been at the show, we've had to get the venue people to change it before Ari shows up. I hate having him see his name butchered.
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