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Old 12-06-2006, 08:47 PM
Obsessed Fan

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Joined: Aug 2001
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For me, this episode had a "flavor", and it's called epic and memorable.

This episode was meant to speak to the heart, and if it didn't touch your heart in some small way, what a loss. The things that Keith was telling Lucas are what we all need to hear: that we matter. that how we live our lives affects others. that it's right and proper to believe that "everything will be okay".

What I liked:

Keith. There are no words. Just Keith. He is love. We miss him so much. Great performance by Craig Sheffer.

Nathan. Broken, weeping, emotional Nathan. For making me weep alongside him, James Lafferty gets a high five and a cookie.

Haley. Only Joy can rock an entire episode in a coma.

Brooke and Peyton. I loved all the caring between them, it's so genuine, they've been through alot and there are issues, but there is still love. The side by side scenes where each one is "looking after" the other were so sweet.

I also very much appreciated that this episode was mostly about the core five characters. While I love the other newer characters, sometimes it's just nice to focus on the ones we fell in love with first: Lucas, Nathan, Haley, Brooke, Peyton.

Be kind. You never know what sorrows and struggles people are hiding behind a brave smile.
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