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Old 11-16-2006, 12:06 AM
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Joined: Oct 2006
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Originally Posted by Crazierthanuknow (View Post)
Okay I've held out for as long as I could. I HAVE to post!!! I am totally in love with Ugly Betty and the idea of Daniel & Betty together makes me melt into a huge puddle. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if you could add me to the list. Thanks
But what made me join was just what PiCkLeS4dAwSoN said. I read the same article in tv guide and I started freaking out!! Gah! Maybe this is just a ploy so we won't think the plot is too predictable???? Hopefully.
Welcome, Crazierthanuknow! Glad to see you onboard the D/B ship!

At this point, I'm considering that a possibility as well -- maybe they're keeping people from thinking that the show is too predictable. But if that's what they wanted, why couldn't they just remain vague on the whole topic?

Why couldn't the article state something like the following: "Is romance in the stars for Daniel and Betty? Their relationship is strictly professional, but with this show, anything's possible."

The article didn't have to come out directly and put the kibosh on the whole D/B possibility, and that's what gets on my nerves.
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