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Old 06-06-2004, 01:28 PM
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Originally posted by angry little lawyer
LOL about the Magneto thing. What's always been interesting about Magneto is that when you really stop to think about it, he's not wrong about how mutants are being treated. While I don't advocate his killing-humans policy, I do agree that sometimes its not enough to turn the other cheek, unfortunately. I guess I kind of respect Magneto and where he's coming from but ultimately I don't agree with him because I agree with the X-Men that there's always another way to solve your problems than the mass genocide of the human species.
One of the disappointing things about "New X-Men" recently was that Magneto was just written as 'insane supervillian wants to take over the world'... with a drug addiction to boot.

Heck, Xorn was far more interesting then Mags. I miss Xorn, actually. I hope the writers do something with the new 'Xorn' discovery.

Off topic, but:


Oh and I love your avatar Elektra, I keep hoping that the live action Sailor Moon series will find its way to the states on DVD.
LOL, doubt it. They can't really dub it convincingly, unless they redo the entire thing a la Power Rangers -- though even then, they were still able to keep the Japanese fight scenes because of the helmets covering the actor's faces, and the fact all the 'monsters' wore cheesy masks (and while the SM monsters wear masks too, the actors don't).

I make my own DVDs of the SM-Live fansubs I download. But I've seen some subtitled bootleg DVDs floating around. Check your nearest Chinatown

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled thread! ^_^
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