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Old 10-12-2006, 06:00 PM
Extreme Fan
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Joined: Nov 2004
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I loved it!!!

The scenes with Betty and Daniel working late were so cute. Him opening up to her over chinese made my shipper heart happy.

Marc really amuses me. His lines are especially funny.

I think that when Daniel suggested Betty dress up, that was not what he had in mind. But I feared that a "make over" would change her. I'm glad to see that it didn't turn her into another "Amanda".

I'm curious about Mr. Meade and what he's got himself into. Also, the mystery caller that keeps contacting Daniel... who is she? Does anyone have a guess? I have no clue myself.

I felt so bad for Betty after what the other Mode employees said in front of her during the meeting. They are such jerks. Daniel was so sweet, coming in there after her. I wish she'd gone with him but I understand why she didn't. It just irritates me that Amanda went, pretending to be her. I'm glad that Betty stood up to Marc about taking the proposal to Daniel. It was nice to see her stand up for herself.

In the end, Daniel did right by her, just like he always does. I love him all the more for it. And I'm sure that in the long run, Betty will love him more too.

Betty's "Shut up!" was so adorable!!

The more I see, the more I love this show!
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
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