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Old 06-04-2004, 01:49 AM
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Just saw the movie.. And I am extremely disappointed. :sad: I severely did not like it. POA is my very favorite book and I almost feel like this movie made a mockery of such a brilliant book. :sad: I am really saddened by how much I did NOT enjoy this movie. :sad:

First off, I hated how it did not follow the book in so many instances! Honestly, I watched some scenes and I was questioning whether or not I was watching the right movie. My friend, who has never read the books, was EXTREMELY lost and had no clue on lots of things. She had no clue that the four friends wrote the map together and were all close friends at one point. There were other instances where she was completely lost.

I hated the fact that we never even got to hear about the feud and relationship between Snape and Sirius and Lupin, and James for that matter. That was completely blown off.

Quidditch was completely forgotten. That sucked big time.

I am really not extremely into shipping the couples and while I found the Ron and Hermione stuff sort of enjoying, I also was ticked at times because I think it was way overdone and practically showed them as almost a couple when we all know that this is totally not what transpired in the book. I mean, there are short hints in the book that there is some tension there, but the movie was completely far fetched and plain out in left field.

Also, they barely showed Crookshanks and Scabbers AT ALL. That entire mystery with Crookshanks constantly after Scabbers was lessened to a brief comment by Ron saying that Crookshanks went after Scabbers or whatever. That was basically it! And it was also completely ignored that Ron and Harry were ticked at Hermione a lot in this book but was not at all shown in the movie. Ron for Crookshanks all over Scabbers and both ticked that Hermione turned in the Firebolt to be inspected. That was completley ignored.

Also, Hermione's so called outburst in Tree's class whenever she is fed up and dumps the class. TOTALLY WEAK. I mean, that was one of the best parts of the book! Where Hermione rips on Tree, storms out of the room and kicks the trap door open and leaves. That was not at all shown in the movie and that sucked.

They barely showed Hagrid as being upset about Buckbeak. It was almost as if Hagrid was sort of joking about it in a way.

And the new Dumbledore seems dense and completely a different person. I am not ripping the actor. The actor was good. It is how they wanted Dumbledore to be portrayed that bothered me so much.
I guess I blame the director big time. I feel as if Alfonso wanted the movie to come across as way too Hollywood with the great humor and one liners instead of telling the story as JK told in the book. I mean, this book is very serious and emotional on many levels and we hardly got to see the drama and intensity that I think it deserved.

Good things..

Well, the acting was superb. I think Daniel, Rupert and Emma were outstanding. And Gary as Sirius? He was awesome. The guy who played Lupin (forgot his name) was also good. Emma Thompson was great as the Tree.

I also enjoyed some of the scenes with Harry and Lupin. I am convinced now more than ever that Lupin might not be who he claims to be.. *cough James*

Honestly, I hate to be so negative, but I really did not enjoy this movie because I guess I just don't like the general tone and style that this movie had. Fine, it was Alfonso's way of telling it, but I certainly did not like it.

Last edited by jediwands; 06-04-2004 at 09:21 PM
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